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Your POV
I can't believe I have to hear this from someone else. They have the audacity to do such a thing without my consent. Who is the one who is supporting their living expenses now? Did they forget I am the one who is the one running the company now?

It wasn't as if it was a small sum. It is millions of dollars they are risking for a risky project just because they heard a 'reliable' source.

I banged open the door and startled my family who was sitting peacefully in the living room watching a movie. "You bought a construction company without my consent? And using the company's fund? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER TO THE SHAREHOLDERS?"


"Construction is such a precarious industry, it's filled with politics that we know nothing of."

"Why do you think I have been going around meeting people?" My brother, who I didn't see earlier, came out from the kitchen.

"I don't care, you better back out of this before I make my move. And it wouldn't be good for either of us." I said my piece before storming off the house.

Knowing my parents, they would never make a change and I have to act fast before things get out of hand. I texted my secretary to prepare the things I needed in my office as I drove to my girlfriend, Scarlett's place first.

I knocked on her door and she was surprised to see me because I didn't tell her I was coming. "I think we better stay apart for a while. Can't have bad news surrounding you when you have a new movie coming out."

"What?" Scarlett pulled her eyebrow close.

I was panicking and I didn't tell her the backstory so of course she was confused. "My parents did some stupid shit that I need to take care of. Don't worry, I'm not breaking up with you. U-unless you want to. We can still text and FaceTime. We just can't be seen in public together." I was rambling on and on until Scarlett pulled me into her house.

"Baby, you know I don't care much about that stuff. But if that's what you want then I'll support you. I'll text and FaceTime you everyday okay?" She cupped my cheeks and calmed me down. I nodded my head. "It's nice to see a strong business woman panicking in front of me."

"I'd love to stay but I need to go back to the office."

"Sure." I gave her one last kiss before leaving her house. By the time I arrived at my company, the documents I requested were on my table and I got to work.

My parents know I'm the type of person who takes drastic moves. So when they refused to change I have no choice but to expose them and make a statement.

After making a statement, naturally, I was able to back out of the contract my parents got into. No one wanted to partner with a company that has issues.

This severely impacted our company as our share price dropped. Some complained about our management system and how it was lacking control. Because of this, there were a lot of interviews as the press wanted to get their scoop.


"Still working late today babe?" I was on FaceTime with Scarlett on my computer as I continued to work, flipping through documents.

"Yeah. I need to work on rebuilding the company's image again." I said with a sigh.

"It's been so long since we met face to face babe." It would be nice to go back to Scarlett but I am glad we were still able to see each other online. Her being here with me definitely helped a lot when I have to work overtime.

"I know. How's your press tour going?"

"Good. Tomorrow is the last day."

After that it was silent for a while as I had to focus on my work but Scarlett was still online. We usually stay until one of us needs to go to bed, mostly Scarlett.

"Ms Y/L/N, your food delivery." My secretary came in with a bag in her hand.

"What?" I didn't order anything. But then I remembered Scarlett. I looked towards my computer to see her grinning widely.

"You need to eat even if you're working. I may not be there physically with you. But that doesn't mean I can't take care of you."

"What about you? Have you eaten?" I asked Scarlett. She replied by lifting up her food and showing the camera. I put away my work for a while and chatted with Scarlett as we ate.


Finally we were at a decent point where I can stop worrying about the outlook of the company. This was getting back to normal, the shareholders were happy with what we were doing and things were looking better.

Since Scarlett was done with her press tour and premiere, I decided to take a few days off and spend some time with her. Again, without telling her, I knocked on her door, but this time she was in her pyjamas.

"Maybe I came too late." I should have known she would sleep early. "I can come back tomorrow."

"Don't be silly, you're already here." Scarlett pulled me in, feeling little deja vu. "There's nothing planned for tomorrow so we can be a little rebellious with our sleeping time today."

"Did you meet your parents?" Scarlett asked as she passed me a set of her pyjamas.

"Umm no... I totally forgot about it."

"It's alright, we can go together tomorrow. God knows your temperament." She dragged me to bed to watch a movie but I stood there not moving. "Why, what's wrong?"

"You did so much for me, yet I haven't done anything for you." I felt like I was the one holding back this relationship.

"You make time for me even while you're working, not many people would do that. You just don't know how much I appreciate it." Scarlett held my hands and rubbed her thumbs over my knuckles.

"I just hope I'm doing things right."

"You are. So stop being sappy and come here and watch a movie with me."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Written on 13 Nov 2021
Posted on 5 May 2022

Sorry for the late update.
I was busy working :(

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