Memories pt1 S.J

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Burning flames were the last thing you remember before passing out.

Scarlett was your emergency contact and she got the notification that you were sent to the hospital while she was at work. She immediately dropped everything and went to the specified hospital. By the time she got there, you were still in the emergency room. No longer in the mood to film, the rest of the cast also arrived at the hospital.

Scarlett's heart sank when she saw your usual smooth skin was replaced with cuts and scratches when you were wheeled out from surgery. The doctor was explaining to her what happened while the nurse brought you to your room. Everyone made way for her as she returned.

You were on your way back from work when you were met with an accident. Some drunk guy was not paying attention on the road and his car rammed into yours. He got away easy while your car toppled over. Your car burst into flames but you were stuck in the seat. Everything was upside down for you as you felt your blood trickle down your face. Your vision turned hazy as you passed out.

Scarlett POV
Everyone was encouraging me, trying to be more understanding as I declined their invite. Despite not wanting to leave Y/N side, we were already on the last week of filming and it would be better to finish it rather than dragging it out and messing up other people's schedules. I know she would prefer that too. I practically moved into Y/N room instead of living in my trailer. No matter how late we ended, I always made sure to come back and check on her.

One week passed and there was no change. Time came for the press tours and interviews but I told them to exclude me, those things were not important. I did my job and that was it. Robert, Chris, Elizabeth and the rest came over when they were free and made sure I was alright. They would always watch me eat a couple of bites before leaving. I was thankful for them but my mind was just filled with Y/N.

I heard a groan in the silent room and I immediately bolted up from my chair and looked at her. "Y/N!" I tried to hug her as best as I could as she laid on bed. "Are you alright?" I looked back at her.

"Who are you?"

I froze. The doctor mentioned that she hit her head pretty hard and there's a high chance that she could have amnesia. I didn't want it to come true but I guess it did. "I- I... My name is Scarlett Johansson. I'm your wife." She looked at me emotionless. "Do- do you remember your name?" She tried to think but shook her head slowly. "Your name is Y/N Johansson." I told her to stay in bed as I went to get the doctors. I wiped the tears that were threatening to fall as I closed the door behind me. At least she's awake now.

Your POV
I woke up and a woman instantly came into my vision. She gave me a hug but I have no idea who she was. She introduced herself as my wife but I have no recollections of her. She asked if I knew my name but nothing came to mind. It seemed we were really close since I took her last name. She left the room to get the doctor and I tried to think of anything but nothing came. I don't know anything.

The doctor went through a few things and ordered an MRI scan. The report came back and the doctor confirmed that it shouldn't be permanent. He prepared the discharge papers and we were cleared to leave.

The ride back to her or our house was silent. I didn't know what to talk about. I don't know what were our likes or dislikes or common topics. My jaw dropped as I looked around as we stepped into our supposed house. It was a lot bigger than I imagined.

"This is our master bedroom, but I can sleep in another room if you are not comfortable with it yet."

"No, it's fine." I said. Why did I say that? It didn't even go through my head before I started speaking. The night was alright but it was awkward, I could feel the tension in the air as I tried to sleep. Nobody dared to move in fear of disturbing their partner. But soon, sleep consumed us in whatever awkward position we were in.


"I invited some of our friends over if you don't mind, they wanted to check on how you're doing." Scarlett said as she was clearing up the breakfast and I nodded in agreement.

"What was I like?" I was curious to know how I behaved and acted around people.

"You were an introvert but once people get to know you, and you warm up to them, you get more comfortable talking to them. You were always very observant, taking note of their pet peeves and adjusting to their preference, giving them personalised treatment. You may be on the quieter side of the party but when you spoke, everything just makes sense. People listen to you, you are great to have around." Scarlett said it easily.

Nothing came to mind, not even a flash of memory. "It's okay, we've got time." My frustration must be written on my face as Scarlett took my hands.

Around noon, I heard the doorbell ring and I looked at Scarlett. "Don't worry, I'll get it." I stood quietly next to Scarlett as a group of people entered. They gave me a hug before sauntering in.

"It's like meeting her for the first time again." Her name was Elizabeth if I remember correctly.

"Yeah, except she's with me now." Scarlett replied to her.

It seemed like all of them are in the acting industry. We engaged in funny and embarrassing conversation, they even showed me some videos and pictures that they had saved in their phones. After a couple of hours, I was feeling a bit tired so I excused myself from the group and went back to our bed.

Scarlett POV
Once Y/N was out of earshot, our conversation died down.

"How's Y/N coping?" Chris asked.

"She's getting more frustrated by the day." I replied.

"This is your chance to use what she taught you." Lizzie suggested.

"She didn't teach me, she just spilled facts at random point of day."

"I wouldn't go around telling people facts." Jeremy stated and the rest nodded their heads in agreement. I shook my head at them before going up to check on Y/N. I saw her lying back against the door. She never sleeps during the day so she must be really tired, recovering from the accident. I pulled the duvet closer to her, resisting the urge to kiss her before heading back to the group.

Chris suggested they leave just in case they made too much noise and disturbed Y/N's rest. They've been here for some time and have family and friends to return to. They all wished Y/N well before making a move.

Now that it's just Y/N and I in the house, I can't help but feel the house is so quiet. Laughter used to fill the house regularly as we made a trail of mess. I missed Y/N shouting for my name as soon as she came back from work. Her giggles when she thought of something funny and I would have to tickle her until she tells me about it. She always notices when something was wrong or when I am feeling down and she makes it her mission to make me feel better.

I didn't even notice that tears were streaming down my face until Y/N called my name. "Scarlett? Are you okay?"

I wiped my tears away. "Yeah." And gave her a slight smile.

"You know, you don't ask that question to someone who's obviously doing fine. When you ask it to someone who seems to be struggling, and they say they are 'doing well', they are trying to think positively. 'Fine' means they have no energy to talk about it and want you to stop asking. 'Not bad' means that something's definitely going on, but they don't want to explain it to you."

I let out a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" She furrowed her eyebrow in confusion.

"Nothing. It's just, even now you are telling me all these facts. You were working as a psychologist before you got into the accident and you liked telling me all these facts."

"I see."

Written on 29/9/2021
Posted on 27/11/2021

I knew it was going to be long, but I didn't think it was going to be so long so I split it into 2 parts.
I understand that there are loopholes in this story. Like, what about your parents, how could Scarlett not tell you about your job, did we quit our job in the end.

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