Favour S.J

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Scarlett and I were finally official after going out for a couple of months. We just had a really nice night out and were winding down on the couch, choosing a movie to watch.

"Babe! You want to watch the Avengers?" Scarlett asked as she scrolled through the channels.

"No... I don't feel like it." I replied as Scarlett has one arm around me.

"Why? I thought you are usually very excited to watch them?" She looked down at me.

"Just like how you don't like to watch yourself on screen, I don't like to watch them more than once. I'm different, I know."

"It's okay." She kissed my forehead. "We can watch something else. How does y/f/m sound?" I nodded but my mind was not with the movie. I kept sighing internally as I leaned on Scarlett.


Currently, there's a lot of hype going around Marvel because of the recent release of the behind-the-scenes and deleted scenes of Black Widow. Scarlett doesn't really know when it releases until her friends talked to her about it. Seeing how I am a fan of Marvel and especially the Black Widow, she likes to talk to me about it after, adding stuff she experienced while filming any movies.

Usually I'm quite excited like she said, but today, I kept sighing and not looking at her when Scarlett talked to me about her experience on set with other actors. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

"You're not as... as... You're not acting normal."

I sighed. "I guess I better tell you."

"What is it? You're scaring me." Scarlett inched closer to me.

"I can't get over you! I want to forget about Natasha. She brings me joy but she bring me pain too. Just when I thought I could forget about it, all the behind-the-scenes, deleted scenes, the making of, start coming out. I can't! I can't anymore Nat!, I- I mean Scarlett! It feels like I am going through a break up when I'm not!" I paused to take a deep breath. "I know we just got official but if you want to continue... I have a favour to ask."

"What is it?"

"Don't say the phrase 'It's okay' or 'See you in a minute' , say anything else but those two. Anyone else can say it but you..., you can't. Why am I crying over this stupid shit." I wiped my tears.

"I'm not like others who appreciate the new content... I can't even bear to think about it."

Scarlett let out an airy laugh. "It's a simple request, don't worry about it."

"Really? That's it? You don't think I'm weird?"

"I think you're cute when you're crying."

"Stappp." Scarlett was pinching my cheeks.

"I gotchu. I love you no matter what."

"I love you too." I ran into Scarlett arms. I don't know if I can watch any other Marvel movies, knowing you won't be there.

Written on 8/10/2021
Posted on 15/1/2022

I feel like that's really what I would eventually request if that really happened.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now