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This is going to be the place where I post random short paragraphs/conversations/etc. Since it's short, whenever I add to this, there should be another chapter posted.


I didn't like drinking coffee, but here I am sipping.

I didn't like waking up before the sun rose, but here I am all ready to go.

I didn't like running, but here I am jogging.

I didn't care about the mess, but here I am cleaning.

I always submitted paperwork late, but now they were on time.

I used to skip training, but now I'm there early.

Is this how love changes someone? No matter the answer, I'm happy to do it with you.

Written on 28/9/2021
Posted on 10/10/2021


Change is something everyone is afraid of yet have to experience throughout their life. You change from school to school, friends, perhaps the place you live... You change seniors, people you report to, people you work with. Your working style, habit, even something small such as handwriting.

Everyone is apprehensive of change. It's a scary word. Some people like change, some people don't. Some people like the dynamics they are having now and that's fine.

I changed as the time goes on. Changing style, preference, favorites. But ever since I met you, I know I am not going to change the way I look at you. Hell, I was nervous when we changed our status to girlfriend, fiancé and wife but I'll never regret this change. It is the one change I am excited about, to have your last name as mine.

Written on 4/10/2021
Posted on 20/10/2021


Nat: Imma take a shower.

You: Can I join?

Nat: of course-

*tony comes in*

Nat: not

You: we are joking.

Nat: *whispers* of course you can join

Written on 9/10/2021
Posted on 30/10/2021

With you

Nat: Do you want to come with me to-

You: Yes.

Nat: You didn't let me finish.

You: All I need was 'with you'.

Written on 10/10/2021
Posted on 20/11/2021

Wait for me

You: Can you wait for me?

Nat: Sure.
Nat: If I don't wait for you, who do I wait for?
Nat: I'll wait my entire life for you.

You: Are you talking to the burger or are you talking to me?

Written on 13/11/2021
Posted on  30/4/2022


You: I don't know what I'll do if I lost you.

Nat: I know what I'd do.

You: Really?

Nat: Yeah.

You: What is it?

Nat: Find you.

Written on 16/11/2021
Posted on 30/4/2022

How does a hug feel?

Nat: *stares at you*

You: *moves across the room*

Nat: *eyes follows you*

You: Nat, what are you doing?

Nat: How does a hug feel?

You: *gives Nat the tightest hug you can*

Nat: That's nice

Written 27/12/2021
Posted 30/4/2022

Watched a drama and the scene was them hugging for a freaking long time and I was wondering how it felt. Touch deprivation...

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now