Sing S.J

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Your POV
Ever since Scarlett received the news that there was going to be a Sing 2, she has been singing at home, in the car or whenever she's free. It's been a blessing really, being able to hear her sing. Though, she's only been practising and repeating those that she needed to sing in the animation.

After days of singing at home, she was finally going to the studio to record. I looked at her as she went around the house to pack her bags, water, jacket and papers. I followed her around like a lost puppy as she went into different rooms.

Until Scarlett was about to walk out of the house, she stopped to turn and face me. "What are you doing?" She questioned my actions.

"Uhm.. Uh.. I- I want to follow you to the recording studio." I said sheepishly. I've been to the Avengers set, We Bought a Zoo set and even the Jojo Rabbit set but never have I once stepped foot in a recording studio.

"But you need to sign an NDA before you go. I don't know if they have time to prepare that now." Scarlett explained.

"I'll just listen to the parts that you have already sung. You sing it everyday anyway. I just want to see how the recording studio looks like, please..." I gave her the best puppy eye I could.

I could see Scarlett softened as she put a small smile on her face. "Alright, but you have to leave once I start recording the lines." She negotiated.

I nodded my head hastily. I would jump at any chance I could to get a glimpse.

When we arrived at the recording studio, there was hardly anyone there. Scarlett said due to Covid, they were all recording separately and only meeting through video conferencing.

She entered the room that was booked under her name for that timing and got ready behind the glass window. There were only two other people in the room and you have no idea who they were and what they did there in front of all the alien buttons.

I pressed my lips together, afraid of making any noise or even breathe as Scarlett started recording. I could hear her through the sound system and the two men started pressing and sliding the buttons.

I thought her voice was already angelic when she was singing at home but through the surround sound in this room I literally felt like I was in heaven. It felt very free and nothing was in my sight other than Scarlett singing.

After a couple of takes and changing up the songs together with tips from the guys, Scarlett was finally done singing.

"How was it, baby?" Scarlett asked after taking a sip of water from her bottle.

"Breathtaking." I was talking about her, her voice and the studio.

"Well, I'm going to have to record my lines now." Scarlett said sadly, not wanting you to leave but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Don't worry about it." I pecked her lips before leaving the recording room.

Now when I exited the room. I didn't expect it to be so quiet, I looked left and right but there was no one around. I thought there would at least be a couple of people running or walking about in this entertainment industry.

I took a seat on the bench and scrolled through my phone, soon finding myself yawning because of the lack of attention grabbing event. Since there was no one around, I took the chance and laid on the bench to rest my eyes.

>time skip<

I woke up later and immediately noticed Scarlett's jacket over me. Scarlett was saying goodbye to the guys before noticing that I was awake.

"How long... did I sleep?" I asked sheepishly as I felt my body being very sore from laying on the cold hard bench.

"Just over an hour. I came out to check on you but you were sleeping."

"Oh... here. Thanks." I passed Scarlett her jacket back as I felt the heat coming to my face.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about it. I'm pretty sure no one saw you. Most people are recording from home." Scarlett said as she wore her jacket and took her bag.

"But still..." I used her jacket to hide and bury my face in her chest.

"Baby... It's okay. Let's go home alright?" She cooed and stroked my head before kissing me.

"Okay..." I nodded and followed Scarlett back to her car but looking at the floor the whole way there.

"You're so adorable." Scarlett said after getting into the car and pinched my cheeks.

"Stop... Or I'll get mad." I crossed my arms and huffed.

"Then you'll be more adorable!" Scarlett giggled.


"Alright, alright. Let's go home."

Written on 18/12/2021
Posted on 22/12/2021

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