A chance N.R

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Natasha was always an attentive person, she always let you talk and only asked her questions after. You can tell she's really interested in the topic when she asks questions after questions.

Like right now.

We were at Clint's place visiting them when Lila showed her her recent drawings. Nat was really invested as they conversed with each other. Cooper saw them and didn't want to feel left out so he joined them as well.

They were in their own world while their parents and I looked over at them.

"So... Nat and kids huh." Clint started out as he took a sip of his coffee.

"What? I never- well, because Nat- I don't know." I didn't know what to say. I could tell Nat was having kids in her mind but she hasn't spoken to me about it.

"I'm sure it's okay. You can be the one talking to her about it." Laura suggested. I nodded to let her know I heard her but it was going to be tough to talk to Nat about it.

What if I was reading the signs wrong? Maybe she didn't want a kid. We were not even married yet. What if we fall out in the future? Are we even ready? How are we going to take care of a child in the future? Natasha pulled me out of my thoughts when she placed a hand on my thigh as we were driving back.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"I called you many times but you weren't answering. What were you thinking about?" Nat took my left hand while she kept hers on the steering wheel. Should I tell her now? Do I risk it?

"Baby?" Natasha called me again. "You've been off since we left Clint's."

"I saw how you looked at Lila and Cooper... Do you... want a kid?" I asked and turned to look at her expression. Her face fell slightly and I knew it was bad timing to ask her. I shouldn't have asked her at all, now she thinks that I am rushing her. Stupid me.

"I do." Nat said, making me snap my head to her. "But I can't." She continued.

"I'm sure Bruce or Tony can figure something out." I clasped her hand tightly to reassure her. Being forcefully taken away from the privilege of having your own child was such a sick thing to do but I am glad that she may have a chance again.

All of a sudden, Nat swerved the car to the side of the road and I yelped before being brought into a passionate kiss. "There's no one else I'd rather have a kid with."


So here we are going to our first ultrasound. Nat took the procedure so it was her carrying our kid. It was either up to Nat or me to carry the baby since Bruce and Tony were also able to figure out a way for Nat to get pregnant other than it being genetically from the both of us.

It was really going either way. Both of us wanted the other party to carry it since it was a very noble task but eventually I pulled out the ultimatum.

"I'm younger than you. If a few years down the road we decide to have another kid then I'll carry it. For now, I want you to have the experience first." I explained to her. Although I wanted her to carry it, it was also dangerous since there could be many complications as Bruce told us. But deep down, I know she knows this could be her only chance.

"Congratulations! It's a success." Bruce showed us the tiny blob on the screen showing that there was finally a life in Natasha.

"You did it!" I held Nat's hand in joy. "You're going to be a mum."

Natasha POV
I thought I could never be happier when I asked Y/N to be my girlfriend. Seeing the screen brought me so much joy I've never felt before. Y/N was also very excited as she shook me immediately after hearing the good news.

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