A chance pt3 N.R

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Get ready for a long ride :)

Natasha POV
We know this is usually done much earlier in the pregnancy but we decided to wait a little longer to figure out the gender of the baby. We have been referring it as her because that's what I was gravitating towards, but we would be happy with either.

It was embarrassing but I had a breakdown when I couldn't fit into my normal clothes anymore. There would always be an awkward end of my shirt hanging off my bump and not covering it totally and worse of all, my pants wouldn't even fit!

Y/N came into the room to see me in a sobbing mess and clothes all over the floor one day. Through my cries, I told her my clothes no longer fit and she gave me her hoodie to wear instead. It reached her knees so it was alright for me to wear.

"Let's go get you some maternity clothes. Or do you want me to go and get Thor's clothes? Or Steve's? Or Bucky's?"

"I only want yours."

Before we went out, we headed to Bruce lab for another ultrasound check. Wanda wanted to plan a gender reveal party so we told Bruce to give her the result. Everything was fine and since we were planning to have the baby in the compound, we weren't too worried.

While getting maternity clothes, Y/N was very excited to get some baby clothes. Surely she managed to grab something in every row. Showing me each set that caught her eye.

"What about this?" Y/N grabbed one with a baby shark design. I chuckled at how adorable she was, the baby is not here yet and she's so excited.

"Grab whatever you want. We'll put it under Tony's card."

Finally I was able to wear some pants, it's quite comfortable really. I can see why some of them continue to wear these even after their pregnancy. It looks like normal pants on the outside, but more comfortable.

Once we made our payment, we went back to the compound. Wanda, with everyone's help, had already planned what she was going to do tomorrow. She was bouncing off the walls, the first time being able to plan a gender reveal party.

Pietro was suffering the worst of her wrath. Being fast and her brother was not a good combination. Wanda always got her brother to buy the party stuff because she was able to get it in an instant. Not even the same day delivery would be able to work as fast as him.

Y/N was laughing her ass off when she saw everyone working their ass off. No one dares to be idling or else she would really let them idle while hanging from the ceiling. When she tried to go out to the backyard to have a look, Wanda quickly shoved her in so she wouldn't ruin the surprise.

"Well, it seems like most of them are busy and we have the compound to ourselves. Mostly, anyway." Y/N said.

"We should use the movie theatre. Maybe have a Harry Potter marathon?" I suggested.

"Sure! Let me go get some snacks. Cheetos? Cheetos yeah." Before waiting for my reply, she dashed off the snacks cabinet while I made my way to the dark movie theatre. I decided to start from the beginning as one does in a movie marathon, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. (Or do you call it the Sorcerer's Stone?)


"Wait a minute, I'm going to get some extra things." She opened the bag of Cheetos for me before dashing out again. She sure is excited. I've never seen her with a smile this long. She has her down days occasionally, but I'm happy she's happy.

I laughed hysterically when I saw her coming in with piles of pillows in front of her. She walked slowly as she was unable to see what was in front of her. There was nothing to worry about as if she were to hit on something, the pile of pillows were sure to protect her.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now