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Your POV
I was waiting in Nat's office in SHIELD since she was having a last minute meeting with Fury and the others. Natasha was a senior ranking agent and she has her own private office room which I made myself comfortable in.

I was sitting on her chair, hand behind my head when I heard drilling sounds. I sat up properly, as my heartbeat quickened and gripped onto the armrest.

The scene changed to a grey setting. Collapsed buildings, rubbles fallen around as I tried to find a safe space to hide. The drilling was getting louder and constant as I found myself covering my ears and shaking.

Dust fell from the top as sections of the ceiling threatened to fall and collapse around me. Muffled sounds could be heard from others who were trapped together in the basement with me.

Natasha POV
The meeting went on longer than expected and it was half an hour passed the time I was supposed to be meeting Y/N. I wasn't too surprised when I didn't see her in my office, but just as I was about to turn and leave, I heard whimpering noises.

I went to investigate the sound and found Y/N hiding underneath my desk, shaking and covering her head.

"Y/N." I pushed my chair out of the way and went next to her. She did not respond and I tried calling her again. Suddenly, she rushed into my arms and pointed to the corner of my desk. "T-t-there are still people in there. S-save me..."

I don't understand what she was saying or pointing towards but she passed out in my arms before I could ask anything. I have never seen her so shaken up before. It must have been something she experienced before coming to SHIELD.

I picked Y/N up carefully and brought her back to the compound. The rest of the team were waiting for us to be back for dinner and were stunned that I had to carry her back. I told them to carry on without us as I brought her up to our room. I tucked her in bed and waited for her to wake up.

Shortly after, Y/N stirred in bed and managed to wake up. "Y/N? Are you feeling better?"

She lifted her arms and I went forward to hug her. Instantly, she broke into tears. "I was so scared... The building just collapsed and I couldn't get out..." She gripped onto my shirt tightly. "Then there was all the drilling noises, the walls kept vibrating and the crack stretched across the wall."

"Baby breathe." She was hyperventilating. "You need to breathe." She wouldn't let go of me and was pulling my shirt so I stroked her back until she managed to calm down to occasional hiccups.

"So the renovation in SHIELD triggered your PTSD?" I could feel her head nodding. "You weren't supposed to hear it since they start after six but since I had a meeting you had to stay behind."

She will not be going to SHIELD until I get the confirmation that the renovations are done.

I heard her stomach grumble and she hid her face in the crook of my neck. "It's okay baby, they should be done. We can head down for dinner." But she didn't move a single muscle and was still hugging me like a koala.

"You want me to carry you down?"


"Okay baby."

Written on 4 Nov 2021
Posted on 5 April 2022

Inspired by Chocolate (Korean drama)

Probably not the best PTSD one shot you've read.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now