Owner S.J

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Your POV
I am an owner of a small restaurant. It was my dream to own a restaurant and once I saved up enough money, I was finally able to buy a storefront and build it. The space is not that big, but it can seat quite a number of people. It's not always busy but there's a steady flow of customers every now and then. Since I own it, I had the liberty to decorate it the way I want it to be, it has an old, rustic and cozy feeling and my house is directly above it.

There's this lady that has been sitting at her table, gazing out on the busy street. The waitress went to collect her order but she only ordered a glass of water. The glass of water sat on the table untouched as people entered and left.

The waitress came and asked what she should do with the customer. I wasn't sure if she was waiting for someone or she was just passing some time. Since it wasn't a busy day and there were still empty tables, I told her to leave the customer alone and to continue on with her duties.

She has been sitting there since evening. The store was getting ready to close down, in fact, everything was kept and cleaned. Except for her table and glass of water.

I told my workers they could head home first and I would clean up the rest.

"Miss?" She turned her head to look at me. "We are closing. In fact it has already passed closing hours."

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." She glanced at the time and stood up in a hurry.

"It's alright. You're welcome to come back anytime."

Scarlett POV
She came into my view as I rushed to get out of her restaurant, apologising frantically for overstaying and taking up her time. Her sweet smile as she welcomes my future visits.

Stop it Scarlett just because your date you stood up doesn't mean you have to look at another lady.

Well, it was to be expected. She has been returning fewer of my calls and texts, we started hanging out less often, choosing to hang out with her friends over me. I can't remember the last time we met face to face, was it last week? Or a month ago?

I looked at the new message that came from my phone. There it is, it finally happened. Broke up over the phone. It wasn't a nice relationship so I shouldn't be so sad but I can't help but feel so heartbroken.

It was a really shitty day, taking up other people's time and breaking up.

The next day, I found myself walking to her restaurant again.

"Are you... coming in?" I looked up at her, I didn't even realise I was standing by the door. I nodded awkwardly and followed her in. There was no one else yet.

"Are you alright? You seemed kinda dazed yesterday." She started me off with a glass of water.

"Yes I'm fine." Damn, she's so beautiful I'm so nervous.

"Were you checking things out yesterday?" She took a seat behind the bar and made herself a cup of coffee.

"No. Today's a bit quiet isn't it?" I asked her.

"Well, you found yourself in the morning shift. There's hardly anyone around this time so it's only you and me."

I felt bad not ordering yesterday and taking up her time so I decided to order something. "So... what's your specialty here?"

"... Burgers." She replied after thinking for a moment.

"But I don't see it on the menu."

"You asked for my specialty, not the restaurant's."

"I'll take one."

"Sure." She went round the back to their kitchen and started preparing. I took the time to look at the décor, I didn't notice it because I was too busy staring into the street to realise that it has such a cozy feeling to it. It has a nice balance of casual and fancy.

The fragrance of the burger brought my focus back to her as she served the dish.

"Wow..." I was in awe at the sight presented to me, the burger looked so fabulous and mouth-watering.

"Thanks. You don't have to keep your sunglasses on Ms Johansson. Unless that's your thing."

I looked up at her in shock. "You knew who I was? And please, call me Scarlett." I said as I placed my sunglasses on the table.

"The sunglasses don't cover up your beauty." She placed both her palms on the table, confidence radiating.

"You have a way with words..."

Suddenly the bell from the door rang and I rushed to put my sunglasses back on. I started digging into the burger and as expected, it's really delicious. I paid for the meal and left as more people started flowing in.

I didn't manage to visit her again that week since I had filming, but that smile of hers constantly filled my mind. The way her lips curl is so enchanting.

I went to her restaurant again when it was near closing time and managed to catch her alone closing the restaurant. I pushed open the door and she turned her head towards the entrance. "Hi Scarlett, fancy seeing you here at this time."

"Yeah." I let out a breath. "I was wondering what's your name, I didn't manage to get it the last time."

"Why would you want my name?"

"I want to ask you a question."

"Okay, my name is Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N, nice to be your acquaintance."

"I would like to bring you out on a date, Y/N." She blinked her eyes at me before bringing out the smile I love.

"It would be my pleasure Scarlett."

"That's great! If you don't mind, I'll pick you up here tomorrow at 7pm?" She nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I said as I walked out the door smiling ear to ear.

I fell in love with the owner of the restaurant.

Written on 28 Oct 2021
Posted on 13 March 2022

Part 2??

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