Feelings N.R

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Natasha POV
We came back from initiating an attack on Hydra and now I am accompanying (more of making sure) Y/N was fine after getting injected by a mysterious liquid. She said she was feeling fine but I wasn't taking any chances. Everyone could see me dragging her arm to the medbay despite her protest. Bruce went through all the tests he could think of but nothing came up. He said he was just going to take some extra blood to test again and we were free to go.

Y/N got up to leave but lost her balance as she held onto the table. I wrapped her arm around my neck as I helped her off the chair and to our room. I didn't think there were so many tests to be done that Bruce has to take so much blood, causing Y/N to be drowsy after. "I told you I was feeling fine."

"I know, but I wanted to be sure. I was worried." I sat her down on the bed.

"I'm only doing this because I love you."

"I love you too."


Over the next few days, Y/N isn't making conversation as much as she usually does. She sits in the corner minding her own business until I join her.

Tony Stark was having a party and everyone was having a fun time except for Y/N. Tony or Sam would crack a joke every now and then, but she showed no emotion. Sure, some of their jokes aren't that funny but she should at least crack a smile. Normally she would be the first one to continue with another joke and keep everyone in high spirits. I tried asking her if she was alright but she always replied saying she's fine, just distracted.

Due to her lack of interaction with the team, she's getting less and less missions assigned to her. She would usually stand up for herself and prove that she's more than capable in doing so, but this time Y/N lets them get away with it to the point where I have to personally force the others to let her go on a mission with me. She completes the mission perfectly. But that's the thing I don't get, when she's with me, she acts fine like her normal self. Laughing at things I say or do.

She's eating fine, she's sleeping fine, she's not doing extra training so I have no idea what caused her to change so much.

Your POV
I don't know why, but I haven't been feeling much lately. But when I'm with Nat, everything seems to turn back to normal.

The team was saying I was not putting in as much effort into the team as usual and it didn't affect me at all. But when they talk about how Nat shouldn't juggle between SHIELD and the Avengers, I flipped. I shouted at them for saying such things and she was free to do whatever she wanted to do. The team was shocked because this was my first interaction with them since and it had to be this. It got so bad to the point where Nat had to pull me out of the room to calm me down.

"We are asking you because we need all the manpower we got." Steve stated after he went through the plan and I nodded. Natasha wasn't too happy and was about to go at them that I was their last thought but I pulled her back down.

"You don't have to be angry at them for me."

"Then it's okay for you to be angry at them for me?" Nat argued.

"Ladies, we got to go." Steve shouted from the door, urging us to get to the quinjet.

When we got to Hydra's base, everyone got to work. It's a huge base and everyone was spread around trying to take down as many people as possible. Natasha and I were teamed together. No one else wanted to team with me and Nat wasn't going to let me be alone.

"I see you're still part of the team." A mysterious voice said.

"What do you mean?" I shouted.

"The thing you got injected with, was supposed to make your emotion go, poof, go away. We don't trust the brainwashing anymore, too risky." He stepped into the room, making himself visible. Both Nat and I pointed our guns at him. "You didn't manage to find anything right? That's why you're still here." He added.

I have no idea what he's talking about, no emotions? But I do feel something. Natasha saw that I was standing there doing nothing and stepped closer to him. "How do you fix her?"

"Fix? There's no way of fixing it. We don't make solutions for things we want to stay permanent. That's just stupid." That angered Natasha a lot and she started shooting at him but it only made the glass shatter. It was an illusion, he was standing behind us the whole time, tricking us.

Before I could turn around, he had already shot Natasha and ran away. I got down to Natasha as I checked her wound and made sure the guy didn't come back again. Why did he not shoot me as well?

"You're okay, you're okay." I placed pressure on her wound and informed the team that Nat is in need of medical help.

"I'm fine..."

"No, you're not." I proceeded to pick her up and evacuated the base. Luckily, we were met with minimal resistance on the way out.

"You should have been more careful!" Steve reprimanded and I accepted it. I should have known he wouldn't have appeared in front of us unarmed. The flight back was quiet. Nobody was in the mood to talk.

Natasha was wheeled to the medbay to take care of her wound and the others glared at me before making their way there too. Instead of fighting against them, I headed to our room. No emotions, what kind of human doesn't have any emotion? I leaned against the side of the bed and looked out of the ceiling to floor window. Nothing, it's true, I feel nothing. I'm just an empty shell. Even right now, I don't know what I am supposed to be feeling.

Natasha POV
I was unconscious but I could hear everything the team had said to Y/N. The other thing that pissed me off was how I didn't hear anything from her, she didn't defend herself. It wasn't her fault, she doesn't deserve to be treated this way.

I fought against myself and finally woke up, the team was standing in front of me but of course Y/N was missing. I took this opportunity to shout at them for not understanding. They were surprised as to why I was defending her as soon as I woke up.


It broke my heart to see her sitting down on the floor with her eyes closed. "I heard you shout." She said quietly.

"They needed it." I sat down next to her

"Are you better now?"


Silence spread throughout the room. This is the lowest she has been ever since getting injected. I can't tell what's going on in her mind.

"I'm a monster."

"No, you're not." I said immediately.

"Only a monster doesn't feel anything." She finally takes a look at me.

"It was Hydra's mistake to inject you. Any other people would have broke. But you have me, you love me. That itself is a feeling and an emotion." I tried explaining to her.

"What if I stopped feeling that too?" She sniffed.

"You seriously think Hydra knows anything about love? I can bet they forgot to test it. That's why whenever you're with me you feel fine, you laugh, you cry, you feel angry. You do everything for me. So let me do the same for you."



"I love you."

"I love you too."

Written on 27/9/2021
Posted on 18/11/2021

Inspired again by Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (The Irregular at Magic High School).  Just that in the anime it was more of a brotherly sisterly relationship.

P.S I have another book out which will be updated everyday. There are 2 chapters out already. I wrote it before I started this one shot book, so the writing may not be that good. Or maybe I haven't improved. 

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