Learning from you N.R

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Natasha POV
I came back from work to hear my girlfriend sniffling in the kitchen. I dropped everything and went to her. "Who did this? Who do I need to kill? Or- or was it me?"

She chuckled and looked at me with her red eyes. "It's just the onions Nat."

"Oh." I looked down at the onion she was chopping.

"But I love it." Y/N used the heel of her palm to make her look at me. "The way you were concerned."

"That's because I love you."

Despite being on her toes, she was unable to reach my forehead so I bent down for her to kiss it. "Go and have a shower, dinner should be ready soon." I loved the way her lips curled into a smile.

Your POV
No one would believe me if I said this was Nat's first relationship. She was so attentive to everything that you think she had experienced. But underneath the attentiveness lies insecurities that she's not doing enough or she's doing things wrong so she needed constant assurance. People assumed she was unable to commit, unable to love.

Nat came down just as I was setting the table. "Just in time." I pulled the chair for her.

Natasha offered to wash the dishes since I cooked but I insisted on doing it so she compromised and ended up drying and putting them back on the racks. "This is so you know where things are placed, darling." I said as I passed her the last plate to be kept.

"What do you want to do now?" I inquired.

"Do you want to go and see the stars?" Natasha suggested.

"Sure, I can-"

Natasha placed her hands on my shoulders. "No. I'll pack, you just wait for me in the car."

Soon, I heard the trunk closing and Nat got into the driver's seat. She didn't tell me where we were going but it was quite a distance. Throughout the journey, I played with her ring on her free hand as she drove skillfully and smoothly.

It was getting more apparent that we were driving away from the city as more trees started to surround us. Nat drove us up the small hill and parked her car at the edge.

"Did you check this place out before coming?" I said as I leaned on Nat's shoulder. There's a small bench which we were both sitting on.

"I did. I wanted to introduce you to places where we can wind down, since both of our jobs are so busy."

"It's nice. I like the silence, how the wind blows." I said with my eyes closed. "It's comfortable."

We enjoyed each other's presence, no words needed to be said. Sometimes silence speaks volumes, people who talk a lot may be hiding something behind. It is silence which is sincere. How many people were willing to sit together with you and do nothing?

Clearly the blanket wasn't enough as I started sniffling from the cold. "Shall we head back now?" Natasha asked. She gave me the blanket for the ride home as I burritoed myself in it. Nat's driving skills were immaculate, I couldn't feel any bumps or turns as I fell asleep on the way home.

I tried shuffling back but Nat scooped me up and brought me to bed. "We may not have done much but I enjoyed this night."

"I enjoy every day with you." Nat replied. "You give me purpose."

Written on 9 Nov 2021
Posted on 24 April 2022

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now