Stay behind pt3 N.R

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So she wants me gone? Alright, I'll go in the worst way possible for her. I'll make sure I become an agent.

I spent the rest of my time studying. There was no time to slack. I had already spent the entire week lounging in my room doing nothing. I had to make up for lost time. Since I have already been in SHIELD for four years, it was almost time for the final exam. The big one where it decides where you get to go. During this time, Yelena did try contacting me but I refused to accept her calls. All I did was send her a message saying I was studying and wasn't going to be in contact with anyone. Besides, her sister would be able to tell her I'm still alive.

Agent Romanoff didn't say anything further but I made sure I was not to be messed around anymore with the other trainees. During class, I asked questions and made sure it was answered during class and not after. I will never catch myself with Agent Romanoff alone. Not after she declared she wanted me dead.

After pouring myself into studying all the trainees gathered at the big hall where the examinations were conducted. Lots of agents were there, including her, mainly to make sure we weren't cheating. Not only them, but technologies were used to also ensure that there were no funny business around.

After the written exams, it was a series of hand to hand combat, gun handling, stealth simulation and medical testing. I remembered all the key points and knew what they were looking out for, so I had no problem passing those. The only problem was the personal evaluation. Agent Romanoff, who was my final year lecturer, plays a huge role in me passing or failing. If she really wanted to bring me down, she could easily do so here.

Fortunately, after a week of waiting I received positive news and I was finally an agent. Of course, I was starting as a low level agent, mostly just data collection with lots of training, stricter than ever.

It was impossible to not have any contact with Agent Romanoff, she was my office in charge, meaning after every mission I go to, I report to her, I give my mission report to her. Everything I do I have to report to her. I tried asking for a change of officer in charge but Commander Hill wouldn't let me.

Most missions we go to, we head in in pairs and it's mostly already cleared and we're just there to make sure we get everything we could. Or sometimes, we get to accompany higher ranking agents into missions that are a little bit more interesting to be honest. Keeps us on our toes and adrenaline high.

And on one mission, apparently I did exceptionally well and got promoted quicker than expected. I had assisted in saving a level 5 agent from an attack and uncovering hidden hostages. We managed to escape unscathed with the additional passengers. So, instead of the lower ranking agent of the pair, I am now normally the leader of the pair.

However, I had my main character moment. You know the one where you thought it was a simple mission but it was all but that. On one mission, the agent who was following me did not check the rooms properly and set off the trap system. The bunker may be down and not in use but doesn't mean that the system is not active.

Once the trap was activated, the system knew that the base had intruders and started self destroying. "Get out!" I shouted. Sparks were flying everywhere and the building was collapsing. There was no moment to spare. The agent and I rushed to get out of the room but the door was jammed as it had squashed down rendering it useless.

We tried to find a safe spot to hide but everything was tumbling down and we had to act quickly. "What are we supposed to do now, Agent Y/L/N?" He asked.

"Shut your mouth up! We wouldn't be in this spot if it weren't for you!" We could be buried alive here for all we knew, or Hydra members could get notified that the bunker was destroyed and come back to see if they had gotten any 'survivors' like us.

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