Taking care of you S.J

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Scarlett POV
I can't wait to jump into Y/N's arms after a long day at work. We live together and see each other everyday but I enjoy every single second with her and I miss her bubbly presence so much during work.

It kinda disappoints me today when I didn't receive any text or calls from her. Maybe she's busy with work. I know she leaves her phone alone when she works and doesn't open the message until the end of the day or even until a few days later. She loves procrastinating such things.

I can't say I wasn't surprised to see her car parked in the same spot before I left this morning. If she was already home, why didn't she message me? Did the simple gesture not mean anything to her anymore? What happened to the Y/N who always asks where I was when she gets off from work?

"Y/N, I'm home!" I shouted after stepping into the house. Weirdly, I didn't receive any reply from her. By now, I should be hearing her footsteps running towards the door. It was eerily quiet. Maybe she went out without her car? No... I saw her set of keys on the countertop when I walked in.

"Babe?" I was still met with silence. Was she showering? No... I'm not hearing any water running.

Did she leave? Why is it so quiet? I was starting to panic and rushed into our bedroom. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw her sleeping in bed but took another deep breath when I saw the crumpled up tissue papers next to her on the nightstand.

I placed my palm on Y/N's forehead, she was warm but thankfully not as hot as I was expecting. She stirred lightly at my touch. I am guessing she felt it but has no energy to reply. She wrapped herself in the duvet but was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Her nose was red from the constant sneezing.

I quickly changed out of my clothes and came back with a cold towel for her forehead. She hummed as I placed it on her forehead and it fell off as she turned. "I know it's cold but I need to cool your fever down since you are not in a state to take your medicine." I was hoping she could hear me in her sleep.

I changed the towel every few hours and Y/N finally opened her eyes and looked at me. "Oh... you're back." She said tiredly as she tried to sit up.

"Are you feeling better? Did you eat anything?" I asked as I positioned the pillows behind her back.

"I took the cold medicine as soon as you left." She said sniffling.

"Why didn't you tell me during breakfast?" I touched her forehead again to feel her temperature. It has gone back down to normal.

"You need to work. It would mess up the schedule if you're not there." She said in her scratchy voice. She would always put others' needs in front of hers.

"Let me make it up to you now, okay? I'm going to make something for you to eat." She blinked and smiled softly.

The sound of the chair dragging on the floor caught my attention when I was preparing soup for Y/N in the kitchen. I turned around and saw Y/N pulling her knees close to her chest and wrapping herself in the blanket while sitting at the dining table. "Why did you come down? I would have brought it up for you."

She shrugged her shoulders and continued watching me. "Well, just sit tight. It'll be done soon."

I poured the soup into a bowl and let it cool slightly before passing it to her. She let her arm escape through the slit of the blanket and slowly drank the soup, not before blowing each spoonful.

"It's better if you take off the blanket, you still need to cool down." I said as I walked closer to her and took off the blanket and tossed it aside.

"Thanks, I feel a lot better after eating."

I took the seat next to her and felt her forehead and neck to check her temperature again. "It seems your fever has gone. I'll clean this up, you can go back to bed."

"I'll wait. We can go together."

"Alright." I washed everything up quickly and we went back to the bedroom.

Y/N stuck her hand out when I tried pulling her close to me. "I'm still slightly sick."

"I'm sure it's almost gone and I have always had a better immune system than you."

"Don't blame me if you end up sick tomorrow."

"You know I won't. Now, go to sleep. I love you." Finally she did not resist when I pulled her closer to my body, wrapping my arm around her waist and under her neck.

"I love you too."

Written on 20 Nov 2021
Posted on 22 May 2022

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