The ring that seals N.R

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Your POV
I was tackled to the ground by a Hydra agent. I punched him in the face before snatching his knife and stabbing him in the neck. Blood splattered everywhere as I pulled out the knife. I could feel something was wrong with me as I checked my hands. My ring was missing. I looked for it everywhere but I saw it lying on the ground shattered. This can't be good.

I took out my earpiece and left the fight and team without telling them. I needed to get out of here quickly before they got into more danger.

I left to find my old friend, David. He was the one who made the ring to contain my powers. "David..." I managed to say. 

He gasped at me and immediately pulled me into a cage that was built for me. I was trying to contain my powers and not burst out, causing damage.

"Hold it in. I'll try to make it as soon as possible." He didn't say it but I know he was frightened. I was screaming and running into the walls as the demon in me tried to take over.

I could feel myself slipping as time passed. "Are you done yet?" I rushed him as I didn't know how long more I could hold it in.

"You think I don't want to do it quickly? The moment you break out I am in danger." His hands were moving quickly, trying to get the mixture to set into a ring. Finally, I could hear the sizzling sound as he dipped it into the water. "Here, wear it. Hurry." David placed it on the floor and I grabbed it with my shaky hands before putting it on.

I could feel the demon in me subside as I slid down the wall and onto the floor. It was a close call, I haven't had this close of a call in years. Suddenly, I could see Natasha standing by the door in shock. "Na...tasha?" David snapped his head to the door and saw her standing there as well.

"Well, don't just stand there. Have a seat, she's fine now." David pulled a chair for her as I got out of my cage.

Natasha POV
Wanda noticed the change in atmosphere and told the team that Y/N had left the area. There was a dark aura surrounding her as she left the area. I told Steve that I was leaving, ignoring the orders for me to stay.

I started running in the direction where Wanda said she last saw Y/N running but I couldn't see her anywhere. I tried looking for her in all sorts of directions hoping to get a sign from her. I couldn't see her anywhere but I heard a lot of people with weird faces whispering about a suspicious lady running so I was certain I was running in the right direction.

I looked around trying to get some clues until I heard banging of the walls. I ran closer towards the house from which the sound was emitting. The door wasn't locked so I pushed it open slowly and saw Y/N running into the walls while holding herself.

I was lost for words, I didn't know she was hiding this from everyone. Someone passed her a ring and she managed to calm down before realising I was here. "Na...tasha?"

Her friend shot me a smile and pulled a chair for me to sit. "Well, don't just stand there. Have a seat, she's fine now." I accepted his offer. "So you're the one Y/N has been talking to me about. Have a nice talk. I'm going to head out for a bit."

"So how did the fight go?"

"I don't know. I left to find you."

"Sorry..." Silence was surrounding us. Neither of us knew what to say in this situation. "Look, I understand if you want to end things between us."

I looked up at Y/N. "What? No! I'm just... I'm just still trying to process what I saw."

"I don't know how it happened but I have a demon in my body. The only thing that can contain it is this ring. My previous one broke when I was fighting against Hydra so I came here. David was the one who helped me."

"Can I touch it?" I pointed to the ring and extended her arm to me.

"Just don't take it out."

"So that's why you never took your ring out even when we were showering together." I turned the ring around her finger. "How about you wear mine?"

She turned to me and froze. "Even after knowing I have a demon in me?"

"At least I know where to find help if I need to." I held her hand in mine and kissed it. "So?"

"Yes." Y/N nodded with tears in her eyes. "I'll happily wear yours."

I was going to spend the rest of my days with this woman, no matter the circumstances.

Written on 16 Oct 2021
Posted on 5 Feb 2022

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