Lifestyle N.R

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I didn't think was going to get so many request for part 3 for Stay behind. I knew I was probably going to a get some due to the way I ended it but wow... 
I thought it wasn't really that well done but to receive such a respond, I'm impressed. Maybe I should start thinking every one of my one shot isn't that great.
(give me a few days to write it)

A quick question: So is the love interest Nat or not? 

Your POV
"Nat... what should I eat?" I looked over my shoulder and Nat was sitting at the parapet a slight distance away.

"What about spicy chicken? Spiciness brings up your appetite." Nat suggested.

I thought for a while before saying. "Okay, thanks Nat!" I placed the order and waited at a table for my food to be served. Nat just sat there and watched me as I ate. Occasionally, I would look up at her and she would give me a small smile.

I finished my lunch and went back to work in front of my desk. I began formatting excel in preparation for roll forward procedure. "Nat... how do I do this?"

Nat came forward and said "You can copy and paste the prior year numbers without the format and you would be able to just copy the values." She showed me an example.

"Ohhh. Thanks Nat. Otherwise I would be sitting here for ages." I started the roll forward using the method Nat taught me.

Nat was sitting on top of another desk in my office as I worked through the hours. Sometimes when I looked for her she would be there flipping through loose papers, sometimes she's not. But whenever I called for her, she would always appear in front of me.

"Urgghhh... Nat, this job is so tough..." I complained to her as I walked back home from work.

"I know dear, I've seen you at work." She was leaning against a light pole as I walked towards her. Nat knows where my house is, so she would always be a few steps in front of me. "But you are doing great."

I sighed as I placed my bag down on the chair. I took a shower after a long day at work. Nobody's home yet so I decided to make dinner while waiting for the rest of the family to come back. I wanted the dinner to be ready right on time so I was taking my time as I waited.

"I wonder when they will be coming back? Thank goodness you're here with me, Nat."

"They'll be back soon." Nat took a fruit knife from the shelf and started swinging it around, I could tell she was getting restless waiting around as well.

"Thanks Nat."

"Nat who? You can't be talking about Natasha Romanoff can you? Have a life Y/N." I didn't even realise my sister stepped into the house.

"It is my life. Some people even call it a lifestyle. Just because you don't live that way doesn't mean others can't."

"You're ridiculous."

"I am not bothering you, am I? So just leave me alone. I made dinner, eat if you feel like it or just throw it away." The conversation has diminished my appetite to eat. I slammed the door behind me as I entered my room.

"She's not wrong, Y/N. You need to have other friends at work too." Nat was sitting on my bed with her hands behind her head.

"Not you too, Natasha." I got my night clothes out from my closet and changed into them.

"I can't save you like in the movies. I don't have a physical form." Nat reasoned.

"I don't need you to save me. I need you to be with me and support what I do."

Written on 20 Nov 2021
Posted on 21 May 2022

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now