Her, first N.R

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Your POV
Wanda and I were training together since our power was similar, there was finally a live target for her and I could tell she's enjoying it a lot. We started off light, bouncing off each other's power and slowly started to get more serious. Our power got more and more saturated as we tried to push each other off the edge. Both of us slipped at the same time, sending us flying to the wall with a bang.

The team came running in after hearing the ominous sound. Wanda and I were on the floor clutching our heads from the impact. Nat came to me after checking on Wanda. "Babe! Are you okay?" I looked at her blankly. "Are you okay?" Nat repeated while shaking me slightly.

"Huh? I... Yeah. I'm fine." I said after getting out of my trance. She helped me up and we headed to the living to rest for a while.

"What happened during training?" Natasha asked since no one usually gets hurt from training.

"Nothing. We were just too into it." I brushed her off. "I think I'll head to bed first." I ignored her call for me and walked to our room. The scene kept replaying in my head, it was something cliché that I thought would never happen. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.

I sighed as I relaxed into my pillow, trying to shake today's incident off my mind.


The team and I were having dinner and Natasha was running late because she had to settle some things for Fury at SHIELD. We were just about to get started when she came through the door with files in her hands.

"Hi guys. Hi Wanda." She said while putting her file on a random table. "Hi babe." She kissed my cheek before sitting down next to me.

"All done?" I questioned her.

"Yup. Just a few things Fury needed clarifying." She answered as I passed her a plate.


"What are you guys planning to watch?" Natasha asked as she passed the remote over to Wanda.

"F.R.I.E.N.D.S?" Everyone nodded and she put the show on the TV. Nat placed her arm around my shoulder and I dropped my head to her chest. It's her again...


I just came back from Fury and I saw Natasha back from her mission, talking to Wanda. "Hey babe! I heard you went to Fury?"

"Can I steal her for a sec?" I looked at Nat before looking at Wanda.

"Sure! Go ahead."

I dragged Natasha into our room. "What do you need babe?"

"Who would you save if Wanda and I got hurt?" I went straight into it, still having a sliver of hope.




"You can't answer? Because you would have chose her! BECAUSE YOU DID! If you were to put me up against anyone I would have chosen you in a heartbeat." I looked up at the ceiling as tears threatening to fall as what I thought came through.

"It was always her first." I took a deep breath. "When we got hurt, you went to check on her first. When you came back, you greeted her first. Hell you even greet the team before me. When it was team night, you went to ask her what she wanted to watch."

"I'm sorry."

"Why?" I sighed. "Was it because we are similar? You tested things with me and you decided that she fit the missing pieces?"


"I went to Fury to get transferred. Even until the end I was hoping that I was wrong. For once in my life I wanted to be wrong. I don't know what to do with you Nat. I hope she's the one for you."

I left Nat standing in our room as I walked out. Not caring that Wanda saw tears falling on my face as I left the room alone. I didn't pack anything because I knew if I did, almost everything would remind me of her. She was a whole part of my life but I guess I was not hers.

Written on 13 Oct 2021
Posted on 27 Jan 2022

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now