Prosopagnosia N.R

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Your POV
I have Prosopagnosia or more easily known as facial recognition disorder or face blindness. You may wonder, why would SHIELD recruit someone like me who can't even figure out who they are talking to. Well, you see, I have developed my skills to identify people based on their actions and body language. This was how Natasha and I got together. She may be able to hide her emotions, but her body language would slip up at times.

Tony was the easiest to identify, always being so smug and his actions are very big. Bruce always has his hands together. Wanda plays with her sleeves at times and Thor is just loud.

Nowadays, technology is getting more advanced and Hydra people are starting to hide their face with technology. Their actions, however, still remained the same. This is where I would come in. SHIELD gave me a bunch of video recordings of the guy named Ryder for me to reference to and I'll have to go through tons of CCTV recordings to find him. And there is so many people captured in one frame of a CCTV, how many more people would that be? Why isn't there technology for this yet?

After going through stacks and stacks of CCTV, I still did not manage to identify him. Other colleagues often make fun of me or talk behind my back saying that I have an easy job. But it's often the easy job that is boring and tedious. Having to sit in front of the computer all day and fear that you missed something out and have to go through it all again is not fun. I have changed my glasses prescriptions so many times because I often burn the midnight oil to rush through things.

I decided to give myself a break and put my head down. Looking at the computer really makes my eyes hurt.

Natasha POV
I know people in SHIELD were talking behind Y/N's back that she doesn't deserve to be an agent and they were lucky that she has such a strong mental capability that it doesn't bother her. Otherwise, their face was not going to look the same again.

I came to look for my girlfriend so we could go back to the Avengers compound together but I saw her sitting alone with her head down in the office when everyone had left already. We came into work together in the morning and I doubt she left her seat since then.

"You are still going through the CCTV?" I asked her.

She sighed and looked at me with her tired eyes "Fury needs it tomorrow."

I walked behind her and gave her a massage on her temples. I know late nights like this cause her a lot of stress and headache. She leaned into me and relaxed a little. "Let me help you." She turned to look at me. "You? Can you?"

I cupped her face and she leaned into my touch once again. "Look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open."

"Fine, but we'll do it together." She started playing the video again. I lift her up and place her on my lap. We watched through a couple of videos before she started rewinding a couple of parts.

"Did you see anything?" I asked and she only hummed in reply, I know she's concentrating so I kept quiet. "I think it's this guy." She pointed at her computer. "He always scratches his elbow then behind his ears, look." She replayed the section of the video again.

"That's right. We can tell Fury the location tomorrow. He'll send someone there to check things out."

"Finally..." Y/N collapsed into my body. "I'm so tired." She clung onto my body like a koala as I shut down her computer and cleaned up her table. I knew she like her desk to be clean and tidy. I looked down at her as she slept on my shoulder and carried her to my car to drive back to the compound.

I don't think she ate anything the whole day but I also don't want to wake her up from her sleep. Against my best interest, I woke her up when we were back in the compound. She grumbled in her sleep.

"You have to eat, otherwise you will be grumpy tomorrow morning." I stated. I made simple pancakes since she wouldn't eat much anyway. I cut everything into bite size for her to make it easier.

"You look like a zombie, Y/N!" Wanda came into the kitchen for some water.

"Sorry, you are...?" She didn't have time to register Wanda's voice and couldn't recognise her since she's so tired with her half-opened eyes and there isn't time to analyse her yet.

"It's Wanda." She replied understandingly.

"Sorry, my brain has shut off already."

Wanda left the kitchen, leaving us alone. Y/N was nodding off and I managed to catch her head before knocking on the plate. I picked her up and went into our room to set her down in bed before tucking in with her. She always pushes herself more than she needs to.

>next morning<

I wake up to see her staring at me. I would like to be kind but it's a bit scary in the morning.

"Why are you staring?"

"I love you with all my heart. I just want you to know that I see every part of you even though I cannot picture it together. Your eyes, hairs and lips. I know it all."

"Yes, I know." I kissed her forehead.

"You can never leave me. You can never hide from me. I will always find you." She said as she snuggled into my chest.

Written on 11/9/2021
Posted on 27/9/2021

Inspired by The Beauty Inside (Korean Drama)
Nothing to do with the drama but I learned this disorder from there.

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