Bartender pt2 N.R

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Natasha POV
As I expected, Tony and Y/N got along really well. Each time he hosted a party, he would invite Y/N to be there. Y/N would recommend new liquor or cocktails to Tony each time she visits and mix all sorts of drinks while she's there.

I'm currently heading over to Y/N house to pick her up, she managed to apply for leave last minute due to Tony's last minute announcement as always. When I arrived at her house, her lights weren't on but I pressed the bell regardless. There wasn't any sound coming from her house and I was sure she was at home as I texted her before coming. Using the keys she gave me, I entered her house and saw her deep thoughts in her kitchen.

I called her name but there was no response. I went closer to her and waved my hands in front but she didn't seem to register it.

"Y/N." I shook her gently.

She sucked a deep breath and looked at me. "Oh my god. What time is it now? Are we late? Are we going to get in trouble?" She started pacing around, grabbing her things.

"Hey calm down. We aren't late. Stark wouldn't mind if we were late anyway." I ran forward and hugged her to calm her down. "It seems like you are dressed, shall we go?"

"What? You call this dressed?"

"Yeah you look gorgeous."

"If others make fun of me you're in deep trouble."

"They wouldn't dare." I pulled her hand and dragged her to my car.

The party had just started when we arrived. Our first stop was to the team, everyone was excited that she was here because she just understands everyone so well. Y/N said it was something to do with all walks of life visiting the bar so she built up the experiences of how to deal with people.

Throughout the entire time, our arms were linked together. Despite being able to interact, she was still a bit timid. It was nice though, I like letting people know that she was mine. Soon, more and more people started gathering around, especially Tony's associates and business partners.

She slipped her arm away and whispered in my ears. "I'll be at the bar." I nodded and she kissed my neck before leaving.

Even though the Avengers hardly have anything to do with Stark Industries, other than Tony being the sponsor, they acted as if they were important for Avengers to function. Only Tony was entertaining them, whereas the rest of us were engaged in our own conversation.

"Gosh. I like having parties but I don't like to be talking about business during a party." Tony complained as he came back to us after dismissing the rest of them.

"Then why did you invite them?" Clint stated the obvious solution.

"Pepper told me to." Tony simply stated as she took a sip of his martini. Everyone giggled seeing how Tony simp for Pepper.

"Natasha, you might want to go back to your girlfriend." Steve pointed with his head towards the bar. I furrowed my eyebrow at him before turning back to see a guy approaching my girl. The worst thing was, her head seemed to be in her own land again! I jumped off the couch and stormed towards them.

"You might want to leave." I placed my hand on his shoulder and glared at him. He turned at me angrily but after realising who I was, he gulped and left immediately, tripping at his own feet.

"Before you say anything. I know what he was doing. He just wants attention." Y/N said, looking at her own drink.

I sighed and sat next to her. "What are you drinking."

"Give her the same thing." The bartender nodded and processed to pour a glass for me. I took a sip of it but I was confused, was my tastebuds playing tricks on me? "Is this... juice?"

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