A chance pt2 N.R

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With flowers in my hand, I tread down the beaten path to a place that was all too familiar to me. With mixed feelings, I placed the flowers on the ground before taking a seat next to them, looking at the view that they were forever seeing.

"So..." I started speaking. There were a lot of things I wanted to say to them but it was all stuck in my throat, my thoughts all jumbled up and I was unable to get a word out.

I cleared my throat before trying again. "Natasha and I are having a kid, with technology we were able to make it happen. Oh and she's about four months in now. Even though the baby is not here yet, I can definitely understand how you feel now. The overwhelming sense to make sure nothing goes wrong to your kid, to make sure all her needs are taken care of."

"It really makes you feel an entirely different feeling that I'm still unable to put my hands on. I can't wait for her arrival to this world. I just wish you were here to witness it all." I was getting a little emotional so I quickly shifted the topic.

"I'm planning to propose to Nat after all this, I already bought the ring so I'm just waiting on the timing. Speaking of which, I should probably get back to her. Wouldn't want an angry and moody girlfriend to deal with." I chuckled and stood up.

"Hopefully, I'll be able to see you guys again soon." I transferred the kiss from my palm to my parent's graves.


"Where have you been?" Nat whined as she saw I entered the compound. Glancing at the rest of the team, they were laughing at the once stoic badass assassin changing throughout her pregnancy.

"I went to see my parents, baby." I hugged her close to my side and whispered in her ears. I didn't like talking about them to others and I didn't want to invite questions. She nodded, letting me know she heard me.

"Were you bored while I was gone?" I reached over for the cheetos that was resting on her bump. It's not that big yet, but enough to rest a bag of chips on it. We stayed in the living room for a while to catch up.

"Baby, want to head to bed? We have a long day tomorrow." I asked Nat who was dozing off on my shoulder among the chatter. She hummed and I said goodnight to the rest before carrying her up.

"Goodnight baby." I kissed her cheeks before falling asleep myself.


The next morning, it was tough to get out of the compound as Natasha has been throwing up a lot. I thought we had passed that stage but this took both of us by surprise. I tried convincing Natasha to take a break and change plans but she refused.

We decided that once we went further along into the pregnancy, we were going to tell our parents. We didn't want them to be all happy and excited only to make them sad again if something were to happen.

We took the quinjet as it would be quicker and more comfortable. Nat and I talked a lot on our way there, how we were going to spoil our kid, who was going to play the bad cop and how we were going to support her throughout her life.

We didn't tell them we were coming so you could imagine their shock when a large plane landed in front of their house. We were greeted with weapons on their hands ready to strike when we walked out of the quinjet.

Being greeted by a family of ex-assassin was not a thing to joke with and it was taking all of me not to hide behind my pregnant girlfriend.

"Guys, it's just us. Drop your weapons." Nat spoke first before making their way towards them. I smiled and held her hand, but really I was freaking out inside.

"About time you came to visit us." Melina said after putting her gun away, same did Yelena.

We arrived unannounced around lunch time so Melina gave us all a share of whatever she cooked though I passed mine along to Nat, knowing she was going to eat more.

"You're not hungry, Y/N?" Alexis asked as he wolfed down his plate.

"Jesus, stop with the barbaric eating. You act as if I don't cook." Melina tugged his arm, trying not to get embarrassed by his behaviour.

"We actually came to announce something..." I started in the middle of lunch.

"Take this napkin and wipe your mouth dear, it's getting all over you." Melina reached out to the center of the table and passed him a piece of napkin.

"So a couple of months back..."

"Thank you so much." He accepted the gesture from his wife and wiped around his mouth.

"Guys! Listen! All of you!" Natasha slammed the table next to you which made everyone jump. Okay, maybe only me. What kind of assassin jumps at this kind of threat?

"That's not fair. I didn't say anything." Yelena said, earning a glare from Nat. After getting the go ahead from Nat, I continued speaking.

"So, as I was saying..." I began, but this time Nat was the one who interrupted me. What's with this family and their interrupting? I can never get a full sentence in before someone tries to speak up.

"Actions speak louder than words." I looked as she raised from the table and pulled her oversized hoodie behind her waist, showing off her bump. It was silent at the table for a few seconds until the two ladies reacted.

"No way! You're pregnant!" The mother said. "Looks to be around four months?"

"That's right." I said.

"But how?" Yelena questioned. Knowing her sister got sterilised in the red room.

"Bruce and Tony helped a lot." Nat released her hoodie and sat back down to eat. Lunch continued with how our life was going to change in the future with the little one running around. The bundle of joy that sometimes causes trouble and you giving in to the puppy eyes because your kid wanted some ice cream before bed. But Nat and I would love them no matter what.

Everyone was happy to celebrate the joyous news that only laughter could be heard from the house which was unheard of from this house.

We retreated back into our room once it reached the night.

"It's nice to be back but they can't stop talking." Nat sighed as she relaxed into the bed. I sat at the end of the bed to give her a foot massage. Though, it's not everyday that her feet hurt, I know she would never ask for help until it was unbearable. And it was nice to get into a routine.

"How's your back?" I always give a full package, not stopping at the feet, going to her back and her shoulders if she requests.

"I'm fine. I just want cuddles." She spread her arms and I laid in her embrace.

"Mummy wants to meet you soon... but don't give mummy too much trouble okay?" I gently poked Nat's bump and traced random shapes with my finger. "I also can't wait to meet you soon, peanut." I whispered.

"You're too cute." Nat kissed my temple.

"And you're very beautiful."

Written on 4 March 2022
Posted on 7 March 2022

Requesters: shee-sh Aby_1017

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