Falling asleep N.R

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Your POV
I could feel my eyes closing as I tried to stay focused in front of the computer. My head felt so heavy as I prop it up with my fist. I even resort to typing with my eyes closed hoping to have a few winks of rest.
(Yeah, I typed this with my eyes closed.)

Eventually, sleep won the battle and I slowly slid, and rested my head on my arm.

I shot up immediately as I heard footsteps coming in. Tiredness temporarily fades as alert washes over.

"We've got a meeting." Clint announced as Natasha walked alongside him.

"Are you okay babe?" Nat narrowed her eyes at me.

"Y-yeah." I said as I got ready the things needed for a meeting. I must have missed the memo about having a meeting.

Fury was going on about the new structure of the company, how they are shifting people around the organisation and what changed to expect but I honestly couldn't be bothered about it currently.

I was trying to hide behind the person in front of me as I tried to stifle a yawn but failed terribly as Fury called me out.

"Is my meeting boring you agent Y/L/N?"

"No sir."

I could hear Natasha laughing behind my back that I got called out during a meeting. I can't wait to kick her in the leg for this. I rested my elbow on the table and head on the fist, but it was not helping my case. I was getting more tired by the moment. I clenched my jaws trying to focus on the presentation.

I dozed off a couple of times but managed to regain my consciousness before totally falling asleep. Most of the time I was saved by Nat kicking the back of my chair, bringing me back alive.

But because I trusted Nat too much that it led to my demise. I was nodding here and there, not paying attention to what Fury was presenting, when my head slipped off my fist and banged onto the table.

Everyone turned to look at me and I was sure they couldn't tell the difference between me and a tomato. I cleared my throat and said sorry.

"Mind telling me what I was presenting?"

I was looking at the slides for clues but Fury turned it off. Human brain processes things faster than you think, in that split second, I saw what I needed and answered Fury.

"I think with this matrix organisational structure, there's a lot more accountability for each person and teamwork between each team."

Fury nodded. "I still want to see you focus, Agent."

"Yes sir."

After the whole embarrassing incident, I was able to stay awake for the remainder of the meeting, having tension in the air.

Soon everyone started packing and left the meeting room, leaving me behind with Nat.

"Just..." I couldn't even finish my sentence as I crossed my arms to the table and went to sleep.

Natasha POV
It was so adorable seeing Y/N trying to stay awake throughout the entire meeting. I tried keeping her awake by nudging her chair, but I thought it would be funny to see her embarrass herself in the meeting.

I didn't do anything and let her head slip off the table with a bang. Okay... I feel slightly bad. Everyone looked towards her in an instant. Surprisingly, she was able to answer Fury's question.

Even though she was able to stay awake for the remainder of the meeting, once everyone left, she slipped off to dreamland after muttering some words.

I shook my head seeing how tired she was and that she could sleep in such an uncomfortable position. I carefully placed my arms under her back and knees and carries back to her room.

I tugged her in bed and she made some noises.

"Shhh, go back to sleep."

"I know you are going to wake me up in the middle of the night, seeing how you are sleeping so early now." I whispered softly as I closed the door behind me.

Written on 26 Oct 2021
Posted on 8 March 2022

I like the idea but not the writing 😞

Had another interview for Uni today. I think I did okay, at least not busting it.

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