Side effect S.J

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Your POV
"Remember to drink lots of water, sweetheart." My mum passed me a glass of water during breakfast. I was going to take my shot today since it was the weekend and I don't have school.

"I'm sure I'll be better than you." Mum had taken her second shot a few weeks before and she was out of commission for two days laying in bed. Rose and I were lost during those days, not knowing how to settle our food and mum wasn't eating a lot as well. We were on our toes, making sure she felt comfortable and not stressing out about us.

"The second shot may be different."

"So are you asking me to be sick?" I raised an eyebrow at her while pushing the empty cup towards her asking for a refill.

"I wouldn't wish that on my baby."


I went to have my shot after dinner along with Mum and Rose so she could drive us back home.

"Are you okay, sis?" Rose asked since each time she witnesses someone going to take a shot, they end up drowsy in bed. I'm only afraid it may change her mind of taking shots when she has to in the future.

"I'm fine Rose."

Since it was still some hours before bedtime, we decided to have a relaxing rest of the day and watch some movies. "Got everything you need?" I asked Rose as I went to get my blanket.

"Yup! I got my Mr Giraffe." She showed me her soft toy. It was her latest addition to her pile of soft toys so of course it's her current obsession.

"Alright, bring him down carefully."

We settled on the couch and turned on Beauty and the Beast on the TV, a classic favourite in the family. "Ow. Rose, do you want to sit on the other side?" It hurts when she leans on the arm I took the shot in.
(my mum literally hit my arm today)

"Sorry...Did I hurt you??? Here, let me blow on it." She moved her hair out the way and blew on my arm gently. It felt really nice as the spot was warm from the vaccine shot.

"Thank you, Rose." With my other arm, I wrapped around Rose and fumbled with Mr Giraffe together.

"How did you give birth to such an adorable kid?" I awed and looked at mum.

"Yup it's all me." Mum had a smug look on her face and was proud of her creation.

Mum made sure I was feeling alright before we went to bed. "Make sure to tell me if you feel any side effects."


The next morning was unlike the previous night. I was feeling a lot more tired despite just waking up, everywhere hurts, especially my arm, I couldn't even sleep on my left. I could feel my face warming up when I brush my hand over but I was feeling cold all over.

"Sis!!! Mum is asking us to go down for breakfast!" Rose burst into my room and the loud sound made me groan and head pound.

I motioned for Rose to come closer to bed. "Rose... can you ask mum to come up?" I spoke in a low voice close to her ears.


After a while, mum came into my room after I'm assuming, giving Rose her breakfast. "I spoke too soon yesterday..."

"Ha ha, looks like I won this time." She says that but she checked on me. "Definitely a fever, I'm going to get paracetamol for you."

Even though I'm laying in bed, I could feel my heart beating rapidly. What a waste of a weekend, I'm supposed to be enjoying the free time I have and not suffer in bed.

"Do you want to change and lie on the couch and watch a movie? If you're up for it?" Mum asked as I swallowed the pills.

"I can't even lift my arms, how am I supposed to change?"

"We'll just go down like this then. I'll be able to watch you better." Without waiting for my reply, she carried me down to the living room where Rose was already done with her breakfast and watching her cartoons on the TV.

"What's wrong with sis, mummy?" Rose asked when she saw mum carrying me down with my blanket.

"Nothing's wrong, just like how mummy was tired a few weeks back, remember?" Mum caressed her cheeks and moved her off the couch so I could lay down the entire couch properly. Rose kindly asked if I wanted to choose what to watch but I shook my head gently and went back to sleep.

"Y/N... sweetheart." Mum whispered softly, waking me up. I squinted my eyes at her, not fully awake and my head was still slightly hurting. "You need to eat. Just eat as much as you feel like it."

She gave me a plate of pasta and I took a couple of bites while watching a documentary about penguins. I sighed as I looked down on the half-eaten plate of pasta, it looked like it hadn't been touched but I'm sure I ate a few bites.

"Don't have to worry about finishing it." Mum took the plate from me while checking my temperature with the back of her hand. "Have another paracetamol before you go back to sleep again." It has already been six hours since I woke up this morning.

"Here, Mr Giraffe will keep you company, sis." Rose passed me her soft toy and I hugged it to sleep, still covered in my blanket.

"Thank you."

Scarlett POV
I didn't expect the vaccine to hit her so hard this time. She was still able to walk around fine when she got her first shot unlike me and it broke my heart to see her like this.

"Mummy, is sis okay?" Rose whined as she hugged my legs.

I bent down to pick her up and placed her on my hips. "Y/N will be fine tomorrow." I reassured her and kissed her cheeks. I put Rose down for a nap before making my way back to the living room.

Y/N moved a lot in her sleep and her blanket dropped down to her waist. "Sweetheart..." I adjusted her blanket up to her chin before planting a kiss on her forehead. She's a bit warmer than I liked her to be but I'm sure it'll go down in time.

I sat on another couch to keep a look out on her, she's too precious for me to take my eyes away from her when she's in such a vulnerable state.

Written on 29/12/2021
Posted on 30/12/2021

I didn't get it as bad as this but I know some who do and got it even worst, but where's the fun in that if it's so tame when I'm writing a story?

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