Sick once a year N.R

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Your POV
I was feeling like crap, my head was pounding as soon as I woke up. I felt a bit cold. I turned over and saw that Nat was missing, she must have left for her morning training. I felt the urge to throw up so I sprinted to the bathroom but nothing came out.

God, I felt terrible. I sat on the cold bathroom floor and rested my head against the wall, feeling even more tired after spending the energy for nothing. I started to shiver and dragged my feet across the room and covered myself with the duvet. My entire head hurts, even moving my eyes causes me a headache. I have no energy to do anything, let alone call Nat.

Natasha POV
"Why aren't you down for breakfast yet?" I walked into our room to see my girlfriend still lying in bed. I walked over to her side and asked "Do you not want breakfast?" She knitted her eyebrows slightly but still no reply from her. Normally, at the sound of breakfast, she would be jumping out of bed and running to be the first there.

"It's your once a year sickness isn't it?" I put my hand on her forehead. I soften my voice "I'm going to get you medicine." I let her know since I know she can hear me. She likes to get prepared and build up her energy for what's to come. I searched through the cabinet before finally finding what I needed. Gosh, someone really needs to organize this place. I let the team know that Y/N is sick before heading up.

"I'm back, you need to sit up to take your medicine." I helped her rest her head against the headboard, careful not to move her head too much since I know she has a headache. Slowly, she opens her eyes and mouth for me to feed her the medicine.

"Can you hold the cup of water by yourself?" I asked. Instead of replying, her mouth moved slightly ajar for me to feed her. "Okay, I guess I'll do it." I carefully poured water, trying not to spill all over the place.

I feel so bad for her, each time she gets so sick, she never has the energy to do anything. Sometimes even flipping in bed is also a hassle for her. "Do you want to watch a movie?" She blinked her eyes slowly so I assumed she meant yes. I got into bed with her and chose a lighthearted movie and lowered down the volume before pulling her closer to me, careful not to shake her head too much.

"You can sleep whenever you want, I'll be here with you." I whispered to her. Slowly her eyelids began to drop and she closed her eyes. I remained in our position because I know sometimes she's not fallen asleep yet and she's still aware of her surroundings and any movement may wake her up. Even though her brain is tired, thousand and one thoughts are still going through her brain.

The movie finally ended and I looked down at her sleeping peacefully. I touched her forehead and her fever has went down. It's still better to let her sleep throughout the day for her to regain her energy.

I miss my energetic girlfriend.

Written on 10/9/2021
Posted on 17/9/2021

There was a period of my life where I would be really sick for a day to a point I have to go to the clinic each year.

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