Her, first pt3 N.R

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Some wanted Natasha to pay so here it is. If you want to keep the happy ending then don't read. I guess I got confused for some of the request for part 2 since some wanted a happy ending.

I think that many of you are also little writers in your own minds with so many imagination.

Your POV
Ever since Natasha got together with Wanda our weekly meetup has become more and more unstable. Sometimes we would arrange to meet up but she ended up cancelling at the last minute. It doesn't matter though, this just means I get to spend more time with Sarah during the weekends.

"What are you still doing on the couch babe?" Sarah came and hugged me from behind, placing her arms around my neck.

"Nat cancelled last minute." I shrugged my shoulders, pulling her to come and sit next to me.

"Again? Isn't this like the seventh time?"

"I guess she's spending more time with Wanda." I kissed her cheek and pulled her closer to me and put a movie on the TV.


Second POV
About a half a year later, you have completely stopped talking with Natasha. You hardly ever see her and even if you saw her in passing, you just nod your head in passing.

You and Sarah were going strong and were even planning to get IVF or adopt a baby/kid. It was something you ladies talk about every week. It requires a lot of planning and support and you don't want to leave her alone if you decide to raise a kid.

You were filling up your paperwork for the recent mission when Natasha came into your office which surprised you. "Nat?"

"Hi..." She pulled a chair and sat in front of you. "Are you free right now?"

"I guess." You placed your pen down and looked at her.

"How's life going for you? I'm sorry we haven't talked for a while. I was busy."

"It's going great actually. Sarah and I were planning to have a kid or adopt." You shared.

"That's nice. Well, I won't bother you any further. We should meet up again soon." Nat stood up and left the room quickly. That was weird, did she just come in for a small talk? That's very unlike her.

You told Sarah about Nat's weird behaviour today. "Maybe she was busy like she said." Sarah told you over the phone since you were still staying in SHIELD's dorm during weekdays, wanting to sleep until the last second before heading to work.

"But I think Maria would have told me if the Avengers were busy."


Over the next few days, Nat started coming to your office more frequently. Sometimes bringing snacks or lunch with her. You've noticed she has been hanging around SHIELD a lot more than being in the compound.

"Why has Nat been coming to SHIELD?" You asked Maria in the morning. She just shrugged her shoulders and continued swiping through her tablet and talking through her comm.

You sighed and left her office and saw Nat coming into SHIELD again. You stood by the glass window at the top level to see Nat swiping her card to enter. She sure has lots of free time, you thought.

You started meeting her weekly again at your usual coffeeshop talking about random stuff you can pluck from the sky. After seeing her throughout the week in your office, you don't really know what else there is to say to her anymore.

One day you asked her. "Why are you so free these days? Shouldn't you be with Wanda?" You said as you stirred your ice coffee.

"Uhm.. S-She's guiding Vision around."

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