Picky eater S.J

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Am I a picky eater? Maybe... if the food is decent, I'll still be able to eat it, but I just don't eat that one particular thing, okay... maybe more than that. The main food I hate is vegetables. I can't understand how people love it so much. My mother kept telling me it tastes nice but it doesn't!

If I spot anything that's green, I would take it out. Those that are not in green are harder to spot but they get ejected regardless.

It has gotten to the point where I could taste the vegetables when the chicken, for example, is touching the lettuce when I eat it.

"You ate vegetables when you were younger!" Mom kept trying to encourage me to at least take a couple bites.

"Younger me doesn't know what vegetables are." I moved my head away as she tried to feed me.

Scarlett signed and placed the spoon down. "Vegetables are good for you."

"I know, that's probably why I'm short."

"Just eat one bite. You're not going to leave the table until I get one bite from you." Mom gave up talking nice to me and started using her mom voice so I knew she was serious.

"But..." She widened her eyes and pointed her head at my plate. I groaned and took the vegetable together with a bunch of rice, hoping to cover up that taste just a little. I chewed quickly, hoping to be able to swallow it quickly but it didn't happen. It stayed in my mouth longer than I liked.

Feeling like my tears were coming, but I blinked and pushed it back down before it even managed to wet my eyes.

Finally I was able to swallow my food with a shaky breath, I took my glass of water and chugged it down quickly, wanting to wash away the taste in my mouth.

"See, it wasn't so hard was it?"

If only you knew what I was thinking when I was chewing. "I still don't like it."

Mom has been trying to get me to eat vegetables for years without success. Eventually, she stopped trying. The hard part was trying to explain to my aunties and uncles when they tried giving me food. Being the shy person that I am, I dared not refuse the food they've given me and just accepted it while looking at my mother for help.

I always made sure I sat next to her so I could sneak the food to her plate without anyone noticing.

When it comes to friends, I just told them straight up without hiding anything. Surprisingly, or not, the other two out of five people in the group we were, doesn't like vegetables as well.

I just hate vegetables, what can I do?

Written on 26 Nov 2021
Posted on 26 May 2022

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