Admit it N.R

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Your POV
The alarm rang and you turned over to shut it. It was way earlier than you would normally wake up. Cap wanted to have a group training today so he pushed everyone's training to the morning.

"Mm... Good morning." Nat sighed beside me.

"Morning darling." I said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. It felt warm, too warm in fact. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?" Nat looked at me questionably.

"You're a bit warm, I think you're slightly under the weather." I said to her directly, knowing she would swerve the other way.

She just chuckled and shook her head. "No, I'm not." Her face was a shade of light pink. She may be able to hold back her blush but she won't be able to stop the heat from getting to her face.

She started sneezing and I gave her the side eye. "I must have heard wrongly."

"You did." Nat said as she threw me my workout clothes.

"You better have taken the medicine when I get down." I said as I changed into them.


When I got down, there were lots of people at the dining table eating their breakfast seeing how it was a group training. People used to come down at random times of the day and the table was less crowded.

Some of them were eating breakfast, some of them were reading the newspapers. Great time to put my plan into action. "Have you taken your medicine, Nat?"

Everyone in the room went silent and turned to the redhead. She was never one to be sick and let alone admit it. Nat glared at me for outing her, but I stood my ground and waited for an answer. The tension grew so thick that whoever was eating wolfed down their food and those reading had already left.

"Alright, kiss me if you're not sick, on the lips." I challenged her.

To my surprise, she actually did. So she's fine with passing her sickness to me or did she really think she's not sick?

While everyone was warming up and stretching, I kept an eye on her and I made sure she knew I was looking at her and she was not in the clear yet.

Since it was a group training, we kept switching partners every fifteen minutes and each time I came back to Nat, she was not doing well. In fact, I wouldn't be lying if I said she was doing the worst here. She was heavier on her feet and her reaction was a lot slower.

"Still want to say you're not sick?" I pinned her down again in our latest swap. She rolled her eyes as I pulled her back up.

"AHchoo, ahCHOO." She groaned as I turned to face her. There's no denying it now everyone has heard it.

I grabbed her arm and waved Steve off who was coming to check on her. Additional attention was only going to make things worse, I can't get her to admit it if there were people watching. Steve knew what I was getting at and returned to the rest.

I brought Nat to the kitchen and anyone could see she was getting sluggish by the minute. "One last chance to admit you're sick."

Nat sighed. "I'm just tired." I really thought she was going to admit she was sick this time, she was being unbelievably stubborn today.

While she was distracted making herself a smoothie, I took a swing of the medicine and spun her around for a kiss. She was caught off guard as I released the liquid from my mouth to hers. I pulled her closer to me so she couldn't back off and was forced to swallow the liquid.


"This is the only kiss you'll be getting for a while." I took my own share of medicine as a precaution. "Don't bother finding me. I'll be in my own room and you'll be in yours." I said and left Nat standing alone in the kitchen.

Written on 7 Nov 2021
Posted on 19 April 2022

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