Letters S.J

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A shorter one today.

Your POV
Scarlett was helping me pack since I was going to move into her house. I thought I didn't have a lot of things but when I told her I was still packing for the fourth time this week, she gave up waiting and came to help me.

"Why do you have so many books?" I laughed nervously as I was in my bedroom packing my clothes. Scarlett was outside packing the books into boxes.  "I hope I have enough space for your books, they need an entire wall." Scarlett complained.

"I thought you were going to give me a room for it?" I joked with her.

"Dream on!"

I felt like I was forgetting something as my hands moved mindlessly. When it hit me, I dropped everything and ran out, but it was too late. The box was already in her hand. I tried to reach forward to grab it but she raised her hand to prevent me from coming close. "Are these... letters?"

Scarlett started reading and I tried jumping for it but she was taller than me. Curse me for my height now. "I still remember the day when we first met... I can't stop thinking about you..."

"... I love you more than I could ever tell you." She continued.

"STOP! Don't read it." I squatted down and started screaming to drown out her voice. The embarrassment was way too much for me to handle. The neighbours were going to be wondering what's happening.

When Scarlett placed a hand on my shoulders I stopped screaming and looked at her. "I recognised these words, didn't you send them to me? Why are you so embarrassed?"

"Cause I know you won't be reading in front of me. And- and I always make drafts before sending to you the final one."

"We are literally moving in together and you get embarrassed because of this."

"Till the day we are married and beyond." It's not something that will ever be able to leave me.

"Let me see what are the changes you've made." Scarlett stood up and browsed through the box to look for more.


Written on 13 Nov 2021
Posted on 8 May 2022

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