Agent of you pt2 S.J

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Recap: You passed the exam and officially became an agent and now working as an assistant under Ben (Scarlett's agent).

Your POV
Like Ben said, no job is easy and you'll never know what you're getting into until you put your feet in. It was stressful, coordinating with other people who gave me looks because I was way younger than they expected. They had expected someone with more experience seeing as Mum is an A-lister, but when they got me, I could tell they were disappointed. They thought I wasn't important enough to get back to quickly and placed me at the back of their mind.

This makes it very difficult for me to plan my mom's schedule. Especially since she just finished filming and the next in line was the press tours and interviews. Companies or radios who wanted to interview Scarlett would send their request to Ben and he filters them to me, asking me to line the schedule. But some of them clash together after taking into consideration time to travel.

I would give them a call asking for alternative timing but they wouldn't get back to me and I can't give the completed schedule to Ben. He was kind enough to take whatever I had lined up and called the rest himself.

"You did your best. The schedule looks good. I'll add in the rest when they revert back to me."


He must have heard the dejection in my voice as he patted my shoulder. "You're not the only one."

I went back home and mom was already back since there's nothing to be done now. I'm busy when she's not and she's busy when I'm not. Makes it hard for us to find time together.

"How has it gone sweetie?"

"Not so good. You have a ton of interviews to go next week." I joined my mom who was sitting at the dining table.


"Very. Hate feeling like I'm not important." I took whatever drink she had in the cup and gulped down.

"It takes time sweetheart."

>time for interview<

Ben told me that most interviews are, go in, ask questions and get out, maybe mingle a bit at the end, so he wasn't going to be attending and sent me instead.

It's nice attending interviews with mom, when I was younger she used to bring me there but I was too young to be nervous then. I keep taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I am there as her agent, I am there to work, I keep telling myself. I keep playing possible scenarios in my head and what my responses would be.

And of course those that I thought of did not happen. I ended up getting tons of questions about my career choice when mom was doing her interviews. At one of the interviews, a staff member extended another interview idea and would like to invite Scarlett again.

"You can talk to my agent over there." She pointed to me. I widened my eyes and pointed at myself? Me? I looked towards the back to make sure she wasn't referring to someone else. I mean... I guess I'm her only agent here. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as I walked over to them. It took all of me to not concentrate on my heartbeat but the ideas they were presenting. I took notes on the idea they were pitching and date and time so I could get back to Ben later.

"I need to improve my note taking skills." I said as I slumped on the backseat of the car. "It's so hard to write and listen at the same time. The last half of my notes are in a mess." I grumbled as I texted Ben about the new information.

"I'm sure you'd improve, sweetheart. Also, a lot more people know you're my agent now so they wouldn't be disregarding you. Not many people can say they have their daughter as their agent." She said, smirking at me.

"This was on purpose isn't it, Ben not coming so I have to go. Anyway, here are some scripts that Ben asked me to pass to you. You have to audition for the one you are interested in." I said, passing her a few envelopes.

"Did you look through them?"

"Ben told me roughly what they are about."

"Which one do you think I should pick?" She asked me. She never asked me these questions.

"You are free to choose. We are not supposed to influence your decision." I said as I hoped out of the car. "See you at home later. Tell me which one you're interested in so I can inform Ben." I waved at mom before closing the door.

Scarlett POV
It's really startling to see how much she has grown since she started working as my agent. We are getting a lot closer since we get to spend time together but it takes time for me to get used to the new her.

There's a hazy line between her professional self and her normal self. She likes people to think she's capable and not a pushover, but at the same time she doesn't dare to speak up and interact with her colleagues, making it hard for people to assess her strengths.

I looked over the scripts that she handed to me and one instantly caught my eyes.

Jojo Rabbit.

Written on 24/10/2021
Posted on 27/10/2021

Thanks for replying Abbie3551 

Part 3??

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