Not used to it N.R

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Your POV
I woke up early to finish my paperwork so that I could spend more time with my girlfriend later. It doesn't really help when I have a short attention span, causing me to take longer to finish what needs to be done. I was twirling my pen when a familiar pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"

I knew instantly who it was. Even if I didn't recognise the hands, I recognised the lavender smell. I decided to play with her and waited a while to think before giving her the answer. "Is it... someone who I sleep with at night?"

"Is that who I am to you? Just someone you sleep with at night?" She said with slight anger in her voice, immediately releasing her hands around my eyes and turning my chair to face her.

"No! I'm just joking." I didn't want her to think I was just playing with her, trying to reverse the situation. "You know I love you." I reached out for her hands.

"I know. I enjoy seeing you flustered." Natasha smirked. "I just came to tell you that I'm bringing you out on a date. 7pm."

There it was, the motivation I needed to concentrate longer on my work. I got to work, burying my head in my work, aiming to complete it as fast as possible. Of course, things don't go as planned. I worked for about half an hour before starting to daydream again. After realising what I was doing, I shook my head and looked at my papers again. This continued for a few more times until I finally managed to complete my work.

I looked at the time and it was already 6pm, I quickly handed my work to Maria before heading back to our room to change. Natasha had already picked my outfit knowing I spent way too much time choosing one. I went to have a quick shower before changing into the outfit Natasha had chosen. The only problem was the shoes. Natasha has never seen me in heels, and I don't own a pair. So she must have went ahead and bought one for me because I don't recognise this pair in her collection.

I was never comfortable in heels, it doesn't suit my nature of running around. I don't know how she managed to get my size but she's a spy, she'll manage. I stared at it for a while before slipping my feet in. I don't know how to feel about it, but I didn't want to disappoint. It was already past 7pm by the time I stepped out of the room, I'm sure Nat won't mind waiting for a bit.

"You look gorgeous." Nat complimented as I stepped into the living room.

"That's because my girlfriend has taste." I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You don't have to put on a lovey dovey show here." Tony commented while looking at his gadget.

"I know you do it with Pepper." Natasha remarked.

"Come on" I dragged Natasha out of the compound. No need for extra argument to ruin the mood.

--- >time skip to after dinner<

Natasha had brought me to a fabulous dinner and we were walking back to the compound. Throughout the whole journey, I was holding onto Nat's hand. Not that I wouldn't normally do that, but I was afraid I was going to fall. I was also walking slower than normal and I decided I couldn't take it anymore.

"Can we take a seat here?" I pointed at a bench. I let out a satisfying sigh as soon as I sat down, my feet were sore from flexing. I can't imagine some of them running in heels, how do they manage to do it?

"Are you okay?" Natasha looked at me sweetly.


"It's just you're holding my hand tighter than usual. It's everything okay?"

I dropped my head in her neck and mumbled. "It's the shoes."


"It's the heels, my feet hurt." I whined.

Nat pushed me back so I could see her face. "You can take it off."

"But you were the one who picked it. I didn't want to disappoint." I spoke softly, mumbling at every word, holding back my tears. Nat sighed and knelt down, taking off the heels.

"It doesn't matter, I want you to feel comfortable. Is that why you've been walking slowly as well?" I nodded. "Well then, shall we head back now?" Nat gave me her hand but I didn't take it. "Is there something else?" She sat back down on the bench.

I scratched the back of my neck. "I- my feet are cramping."

"What? Why did you tell me?" Nat got down again and tried rubbing the muscle.

"Ow! Nat!" I clenched her shoulders. "I think it's better if you leave it alone. It will go away after a while."

"Here." Nat squatted down with her back facing you, asking you to hop on. My face turned red, I never had someone piggyback me before. "Hurry up. I don't want to be squatting here all day." I got onto her back and wrapped my arms and legs around her neck and waist. Nat hooked her arms underneath my knees so I don't fall off.

"Next time, you can say if you don't like it. You don't have to force yourself to do it for me." Nat said while walking back to the compound.

"Hmm. I love you." I kissed the back of her neck.

"I love you more."

Written on 3/10/2021
Posted on 16/12/2021

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