What are you hiding? S.J

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Angst on the previous chapter sure brings a lot of engagements/comments. Seems like many of you look at Wattpad the moment you wake up. (me too) 
Part 2 of Her, first will be up tomorrow. I accidentally uploaded it yesterday, sorry.

This is fluff though, for healing. 

Scarlett POV
I came home to see Y/N giggling into a book. What book could be so funny that she's laughing at it? "What are you reading?" I peeked over her shoulders and she jumped in shock, shutting the book and turning it away from me.

"Jesus Scarlett! You scared me." She placed the book behind her back.

"What is it?" I jumped over the couch and sat next to her, elbowing her side.

"It's nothing." She stood up and I widened my eyes at her. "It's really nothing. You don't have to get mad at me."

"It's okay. I trust you." I crossed my arms and relaxed.

"I'll tell you when I feel more comfortable." She kissed my lips and I pulled her closer, sliding my hands behind her back, trying to snatch the book from behind her back.

"Nice try Scarlett." She smirked at me before leaving to hide her book.

What could it be that she had to feel more comfortable before showing me? I don't think it would be anything bad since she still had the mood to laugh and flirt. I let curiosity get to me and kept asking her questions as we were cuddling and watching a movie. Each time I ask a question related to the book, she would kiss me on the lips to make me stop talking.

"Are you doing this on purpose now?" Y/N raised her eyebrow at me.

"Mayyyybe, maybe not?" I played with her since I wasn't getting any answers. She looked at me with pleading eyes and I raised the white flag. "Okay... I'll stop asking."

"If you want kisses you can just ask." She kissed me again before turning her attention back to the movie.

At night, I was spooning her when I thought of something. "Y/N?"

She hummed, not opening her eyes as she was about to fall asleep. "Sorry to wake you, but I think today hold the record for the most number of kisses in one day."

"We can break the record another day if you just let me sleep."

"Okay okay, goodnight."



Y/N was out getting lunch and I used this time to snoop around to find that book. I picked it up but it was just a regular fiction book, not something she isn't able to tell me. I continued picking out a couple of books from the small bookshelf we have, in hopes of finding it but I had no result.

"You aren't going to get to break the record with your actions like this." I snapped my head to her voice to see Y/N leaning against the door with her arms crossed. "You seriously think I'll keep it at the same place after you caught me?"

"I'm sorry, but I just want to know." I walked towards her and grabbed her hands, putting them around my waist and cupping her face.

She sighed before saying. "Promise you won't laugh at me."


Y/N let go of me and reached underneath our bed and pulled out a box. Why didn't I look there? That's such an obvious place to hide things.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place to hide things." Y/N said, as if reading my mind. She passed me the box and I looked inside. It was filled with magazines, it wasn't porn or anything so why was she hiding them? I looked at her in confusion and she nodded at me to look further. I picked out a couple of magazines and flipped through them, realising they have one thing in common.
(What do you think it is?)

"Is it what I think it is?" A smile slowly growing on my face.

"You said you won't laugh at me!"

"I'm not! I think it's cute." I put the magazine back into the box and put it on the floor. "If you asked, I can send you those photos that didn't make it into the magazine."

"It's different flipping through the magazine not knowing what you'll get. But you can still send them to me and tell me when you'll be featured in a magazine so I don't have to buy every single one of them. You go to so many that I can't keep track."

"I'll do you one better and buy them for you." I pulled her to bed.

"Do you think... you can sign them for me?" She asked shyly.

"I'll sign every single one of them."

"You are definitely on track of beating the record." She grinned.

"But we only have half a day left."

"That's more than enough time."

Written on 13 Oct 2021
Posted on 29 Jan 2022

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