Blushing pt2 N.R

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Your POV
I love the adrenaline coursing through me as I sneak into Nat's room in the middle of the night. Due to the nature of our job, our sleeping patterns are kinda messed up and the team stays up late into the night. While waiting for them to sleep, we would message each other to keep other company and pass time.

Usually, I'm the one sneaking into Nat's room seeing how it wouldn't have been much of a challenge for her.

I didn't have to knock since she already knows I'm coming over. "Nat..." I was finally able to snuggle with her. As much as I liked sneaking around, I want to be able to hold her at any point of the day and not have weird eyes looking at me.

"Baby." She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her chin on my shoulder. I let out a huge yawn as I got comfortable with her. "Are you tired, baby?"

"No..." I shook my head.

"But your eyes are closed."

"I'm just, I'm just... I want to spend time with you." I let out another yawn.

"Baby, go to sleep if you're tired. We can spend time together tomorrow." I released the sleep barrier and drifted off.

Nat soaked in your beauty as your breathing evens out, having the most beautiful person in her arms, sleeping next to her. It was slowly becoming Natasha's favourite thing to do, watching you sleep.

I woke up the next morning and panicked for a second as I was unable to move but I realised Nat was hugging close to me as she slept. "Morning love, your heart is beating so fast for me in the morning."

"On the contrary, I would say your beauty makes my heart stop."

"Can't have you dying on me can we." She gave me a kiss and I went to deepen it but she pulled away before I could enjoy it. "The others are going down for breakfast."

I groaned and laid on Nat's chest. "We'll go down last." Not wanting to leave as soon as we woke up, hoping to spend more intimate time together.

"Anything you want." Nat pulled me up closer and we talked about the party that Tony is hosting later today, what dress we were planning to wear and who would be attending the party.

I whined like a child as Nat dragged me out of bed and helped me change me into her clothes. We headed down together, only separating when we turned the corner and came into sight of the team.

"You guys are coming down together lately." Sam commented.

"We must have a similar schedule."

"That's... not your shirt is it?" Wanda pointed at your top.

"Oh, I got it for free." I had already prepared a lie, knowing it would come up. It was useful being a spy's girlfriend.

"Ohh free stuff where?" Wanda gets excited at the thought of getting free goodies.

"My secret place. Not telling you." I stuck out my tongue at her.

My seat was already next to Natasha so the team didn't mention anything when we sat together. Throughout breakfast, Nat had one hand on my thigh and kept rubbing up and down. I tried swinging my leg away but she would pull it back.

"Are you alright? Your face is a bit red. Should we lower the AC temperature?" Steve noticed my face was turning red.

"N-no. I'm fine." I felt my cheeks getting warmer.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Nat touched my face with her right hand.

"Yes." I removed her hand and held it under the table for the rest of breakfast.


I was getting ready for the party when Nat came into my room all ready and waiting for me. Neither of us were planning to head down on time so we took our own sweet time heading down.

"You look really beautiful baby, I'll see you during the party." Nat kissed my cheeks and disappeared into the party before I got to say anything. I didn't want to be alone with so many strangers around but since Nat left, I assumed she wanted to have fun by herself.

I'm not really a huge fan of alcohol, so I ordered a cider and passed time at the bar while scrolling through my phone avoiding people. Obviously this guy didn't get the message as he approached me. "What's a girl like you doing here alone?"

"I'm not alone. I have someone." I turned to face the other way. Apparently 'reading signs' hasn't been entered into his dictionary as he turned me around to face him and placed his hands around my waist. "Back off!" I tried pushing him away but he only advances.

"Your mother never taught you to listen to lady's wishes?" I looked over and Nat had her hand on his shoulder, ready to throw him to the ground. He goes to open his mouth but Nat already swung her fist across his face.

"I'm sorry." She said to me.

"What-" Before I could clarify with her, she pulled my collar and smashed her lips on mine. When Nat pulled away, I asked. "But-" But she kissed me again. Since the cat was out of the bag, I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to me, not letting her go until the both of us needed air.

"Is this just me or is this whole knight in shining armour thing happening too quickly?" Tony said. I looked over and Steve was just picking up the guy from the floor as he passed out from the punch. I glanced at Nat for answers and she nodded.

"We've been together for four months now. You guys just didn't notice."

"Four months!" Tony gasped. "That's after you got sick. So the both of you were a thing." Tony covered his mouth.

"Well no-"

Nat interrupted. "There's no need to explain to them, baby, let's go." Nat dragged me out of the party and I waved goodbye to them.

"I love you." Nat whispered them in my ears as she closed the door, sending goosebumps over my body. "There's no need to sneak around now. I can show the world you're mine."

"I love you too, Nat. And I don't plan on leaving."

"You better not be."

Written on 4 Nov 2021
Posted on 2 April 2022

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