Bartender N.R

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Natasha preferred to mix her own drinks, who knows when someone was going to slip something in her drink, but she can't possibly do that in someone else's bar. What she didn't know was if she were to ask, you would have allowed her. She's here to get away from the ruckus that the boys make, or maybe she's here to see you. She has been finding herself coming here more and more often when she's free, hoping that you'll be on shift. Whenever she finds you missing, she'll ask your coworkers, only to be informed that you took the day off. On days like this, she'll leave the bar earlier than normal, usually staying until the bar closes.

You have fallen for the redhead, each time she comes in, you would tell your coworkers to serve the others just so you could get to serve her. The both of you would talk about random stuff as you mix drinks for other customers. She would push you to drink with her but you have to refuse her offer, you were still working after all.

You thought you could get over her, she was just a customer that happened to be visiting your bar a lot, you only know her name. You know hardly anything about her. You took some days off to try and avoid her but you kept thinking about her at home and ended up mixing drinks in your home bar. You were going crazy thinking about her at home.

You went back to work to work the next day and sure enough, Natasha came in after a while. You started her off with vodka shots since that is what she always orders. You said you wanted to try something new and serve her a variety of drinks tonight. You mixed a Sidecar and presented it to her.

"It's really tasty, you should try it." Natasha moved the glass to me.

"I know how it tastes. I'm the one who mixed it. Do you know, if you trace the top of the Sidecar's glass with your finger then place it on the bar counter, the glass will slowly move towards the person you like. That's why it's called a Sidecar." You explained to her.

"Really...?" Natasha looked at the glass in her hands, causing you to laugh.

"Sorry, I was lying. It's just a normal Sidecar. I didn't think you would believe it." Natasha tsked and rolled her eyes. You started mixing the next drink and pushed the glass in front of her. She was waiting for you to say the name of the drink but you remained silent.

"You can consider this drink my specialty, it has no name."

"It's good." Natasha said after taking a sip. Your coworkers passed you a slip of paper of drinks needed to be mixed for other customers. After all, Natasha wasn't the only customer in the bar. You started mixing the drinks and you realised you made a mistake halfway and was at your limit. You passed the shaker to your coworker and told them you were going to take the rest of the day off. You bid Natasha goodbye before heading to the staff room to change.

"Light rum, brandy, lemon juice then shake" Natasha asked your coworker what was the name of the cocktail. Her eyes widened when she received the answer. She ran round the back of the building to catch you just in time leaving.

Natasha grabbed your arm and you sprayed her with pepper spray, not knowing it was her. You always carry it around seeing how late you end work, and you were a defenseless little girl. You brought your hands to your mouth when you realised what you have done.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you." You bent down to make sure she was alright.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have grabbed your arm so suddenly." Nat tried to touch her eyes but you stopped her.

"Do you want to come to my house? I can clean up for you. It's just across the street." She couldn't see where you were pointing because of her eyes but nodded her head regardless. You guided her carefully, informing her of any steps or curbs she needed to be aware of. You set her down on your couch as you rushed to get a towel and bucket of water to clean her eyes.

"Is it better now?" You asked her.

"Yes. I can feel the burn but I can see better now."

"That's good." You left to keep the towel and bucket.

"Last Kiss." Natasha spoke, causing you to stop in your tracks. "That's the name of the cocktail. Your coworkers told me." You continued washing up the towel and Natasha pulled your hands away. "Were you not planning to see me again?"

You looked at her with sad eyes. "Do you not like me?" Natasha asked. "Are you not allowed to love?"

Not allowed to love? You have never thought of that before. You always thought that you should maintain a professional customer and bartender relationship so you never thought of it.

"I never thought of it. Because of my work. I sleep in the morning and wake up at night. How am I supposed to find anyone?"

"I love you. I loved you the moment I met you at the bar. That's why I keep returning in hopes of seeing you behind the bar." Natasha confessed.

"The thing is... I've fallen for you too. I thought by taking days off, I could get you out of my mind, but it keeps getting stronger. You're right. I was planning to quit and find another place to work."

That was enough for Natasha. She pulled your collar, slamming her lips onto yours. "Is that okay?"

"Y- yeah. The alcohol tastes really sweet in your mouth." You gulped.

"Otherwise how was I going to get you to drink with me?" Natasha smirked. After keeping your stuff, Natasha pulled you to your couch. She knew if she wanted to keep this relationship long, she would have to tell you her past and who she really was. She told you most of the things you needed to know. In fact, she tried to tell you more but you stopped her. Her past doesn't define her present, it only shapes her future. This was why Natasha is so adamant at helping people now. She tries her best to save as many lives as possible to reverse her mistake even though it wasn't her fault.

"You know, I wasn't really lying when I said Sidecar would move towards the person you like." Natasha raised her eyebrow at you. "When people taste delicious food, they would want to share it with the person they like. So, when you drink a good cocktail, you would subconsciously push it to the person you are fond of." You explained to her.

"Are you trying to praise your own cocktail?" Natasha said cheekily.

"Maybe... but you did push it to me." You shrugged your shoulders.

"Why does your hand have so many calluses?" The both of you were cuddling on your couch. Your hands were even rougher than Natasha's.

"You aren't a true bartender without calluses. If you aren't mixing at the bar, you are practicing at home with your shaker. When we first started out, we had to do all the menial tasks, such as cleaning and preparing the bar. It bleeds the first few days but it hardens overtime and you don't feel it anymore." You spoke as Natasha held your hand tracing every single callus on your finger, most of them on your ring finger.

"It's okay. You still look beautiful. Can I still find you at the bar?"

"You don't have to find me at the bar. You can find me here." That was how much you trusted Natasha, inviting her to your house after the first time.

"You can spend time with me in the afternoon before going to work. I'm sure the Avengers would like you, especially Tony, seeing how you know so much about liquor. I can fetch you after work too."

"Are you sure? I end work around 2 in the morning. And it's just across the street."

"I want to. I can't wait to try all the cocktails you'll be mixing for me."

"The next time you enter the bar, I'll be serving you my real specialty."

"It better not be Last Kiss."

"Oh... It'll be better than that. I'll be serving you the sexiest nightcap."

Written on 2/10/2021
Posted on 14/12/2021

Inspired by Bartender. Anime and Manga, though the manga is way longer. All the cocktails I mention in this chapter are real.

That's why my friend thinks I am an alcoholic.

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