Poison N.R

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Your POV
Nat and I are on a mission, spying on the target who we have suspected to be involved with Hydra. Things were going well as we scanned our surroundings, making sure we found our target and kept a lookout for dangers.

I finished my drink so I took a swig at Nat's drink. I could feel the system in me changed. "Don't drink it. Take a sample of it."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's poisoned." Nat widened her eyes.

"What? Are you okay?" She panicked as she poured some in the vial for a sample.

"I will be. Find the bartender who served you the drink." I said as I walked up to the target who we've identified. "Hi Sir." I knocked him out as soon as he turned around. I caught him in my arms and waved the rest nearby goodbye saying my friend had drunk too much.

I dragged him to the car and Nat was in the car alone. "You didn't manage to find him?" She shook her head and helped me put him in the car.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She looked at me and checked my temperature. "You're burning up."

"Depending on what it is, I should have at least a few hours." I regulated my breathing as Nat drove back to the compound. She knew I had some immunity to poison and I am still able to move around.

"Walk back slowly, if anything happens just sit down. I'll come back and get you." Nat said as he brought the suspect back to the compound first. I nodded and tried walking back, but I couldn't make it far past the entrance. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see where I was walking.

I didn't even know Nat came back until she lifted me up. "You're fucking cold babe." I could only make out her different outline from the background. "I've sent the sample to Bruce, we need to wait for the result."

Natasha POV
I feared for the worst as I brought her to Bruce. This was the most severe symptom she has ever displayed. She had given me the log book of all the times she was injected with poison and the effect it had on her after and none of them reacted this fast.

Y/N threw up white liquids as I held the bucket for her. I touched her forehead and this time it was burning again. She was writhing in pain as she waited for the antidote. Bruce has figured out what it was and was making it.

"Baby, just a while more okay?"

"Nat I got it!" Bruce rushed in with the antidote in hand. He quickly injected it into her as I tried to hold her down. "It's going to need an hour before it starts to take effect, she should be fine after."

I nodded as I looked at Y/N, she still seemed to be in so much pain as she clutched the pillow.

"Nat..." She spoke softly.


"The cover..." I felt her cheeks and pulled the cover up closer to her. Like Bruce said, it was about an hour before she calmed down and went to sleep, only then I heaved a sigh of relief. This terrified me a lot, seeing how close she came to death.

Your POV
I checked the time when I woke up, 4:56am. Nat was sleeping uncomfortably on the chair next to me. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she slept. My girlfriend is so beautiful even when she's asleep.

I carried her up to our room and admired her as she slept. Many thoughts went through my mind, she has been with me through every thick and thins, every happy or sad moment and stood by my side even though I pushed her away.

I was about to fall back asleep when Nat woke up in a panic. "I brought you up here, no need to freak out."

"You're feeling better?" Nat touched my forehead to check my temperature.

I gave her a kiss before placing my head on the pillow. "I'm going back to sleep."  I yawned. "Marry me when I wake up."

I heard Nat say something but I was already off to dreamland.

Written on 7 Nov 2021
Posted on 21 April 2022

Inspired by The Snow White with the Red Hair (Akagami no Shirayukihime)

I'll probably do another one of this. I want to make it better, but probably in my other book.

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