Present is history/Ghosts N.R

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Your POV
I have been hiding the fact that I can interact with ghosts, even from my girlfriend. I mean, I have other powers, this doesn't seem all that interesting to be known.

Presently, we are in a meeting, coming up with a plan on how to take down a Hydra's base.

"So we'll go in from- Y/N, are you listening?" Steve stopped halfway and asked me.

"No." I didn't know what came over me, feeling unusually confident today. Nat tugged my sleeves and scrunched her eyebrow, I never acted like this. "What I meant was your information is old."

"What do you mean old? We collected this yesterday."

"They could be changing things even now." I explained.

"You're telling me you have a more up-to-date version?"

"I have people reporting to me even now."

"What do you mean?"

I proceeded to tell them about my hidden power. About how the ghost would go and spy for me and come back with intel in exchange for not getting reaped. Part of the reason why I didn't tell them was because we still needed people to bring evidence and weapons back. My ghost can't touch objects.

"So what do you propose?" Tony asked.

"We flush them out."

>time skip to mission<

"Alright, do your thing Y/N."

My ghost came and reported to me that most of the Hydra members were working inside. I told the team that the plan was a go and headed to my position. I started by creating waves of water and forced them into the base with high pressure, forcing them to evacuate from the base in the direction where the rest of the Avengers were waiting.

Once everyone was captured, we entered the emptied base and started searching for evidence. I removed the water in the base and was told by one of my ghosts that there was a hidden space.

We went to check it out and it turns out it had stored a sizable amount of super soldier serum.

"You've outdone yourself this time Y/N." Steve said, patting me on the back.

"Thanks, Captain."

Natasha POV
It's nice that now Y/N is able to help us a lot more but because of this, she was asked to work a lot more as well. Even if she's with us in the compound, at times she's working for the agents on the field. Relaying the information that she was told by her ghosts.

I feel so bad for her because some of the agents have stakeout at night and she's forced to stay awake as well. The only difference is, she has to do with the bed lulling her to sleep. At times, I wake up in the middle of the night, literally seeing her pulling her eyelids open.

"You need to rest. I'm going to tell Fury not to assign any mission for you for the time being." I suggested to her during the only free time we have, lunch.

"You can't, we were finally making some headway on this mission." She said, dropping her spoon.

"I'm sure they can manage without. I'm not taking no for an answer." I got up from my seat and started calling Fury.

After many hours, I finally managed to persuade her to sleep. She can be quite stubborn when she wants to be.

I was watching as she slept, finally giving in to sleep when she suddenly gripped my arm.

"Y/N?" She started to grip even tighter.

"Okay, Y/N wake up!" She was trembling, her head shaking as if trying to look away from something. I had no idea her grip strength was this strong and she never had a nightmare before. Her body was getting visibly colder by the second.

"WAKE UP!" She gasped awake and let out a shaky breath. "Are you okay?" I asked and helped her rest against the headboard.

"There were so many ghosts." She looked at me wearily. "All... showing me so many things..."

"You've overworked yourself. Your ghosts haven't learnt to stop." Y/N made grabby hands and I went forward but she retracted her hands halfway. I followed her gaze and saw what she was staring at.

"It doesn't hurt."

"But I made that mark..." She looked at me sadly.

"I wouldn't mind your mark anywhere." I moved closer and sat next to her. Her hand went to my arm and touched it gently. "It's not your fault."


"It's not your fault. Say it." I said with order.

"It's not my fault."

"You don't have to sleep straight away, just rest now yeah?" She nodded and rested her head on my shoulders. I hummed lightly until she was able to fall asleep peacefully.

Written on 27 Oct 2021
Posted on 12 March 2022

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