Fury's order/Wrong timing N.R

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Your POV
Natasha and I have been trying for a baby for a couple years but it wasn't working. The stress coupled with the high cost of trying each time, was putting a strain on our relationship. It was safe to say our relationship wasn't how it once was.

I was about to knock on Director Fury's door when I heard him calling out my name. "Agent Y/L/N. Good timing, I was about to get Hill to call you." He opened his door and invited me in.

I stood by his desk and waited for him to speak. "There's no easy way to say this but I need you to stay away from Romanoff." My smile dropped instantly. He knew that both of us are married, so why?

"Romanoff is joining the Avengers Initiative and I can't afford any liability. You would only be a distraction for her and I can't have that. I need everyone at their best."

There was an Avengers Initiative and I was not told about this? I resisted the urge and clenched my fist and waited for him to continue. "I don't care how you do it, but I want it done by the end of this week."

I clenched my teeth. I didn't have a choice in this. Nat was sure to choose the Avengers over me, especially the state we're in right now. It would be a good getaway for her. If we end up fighting, she would go to the Avengers and would not come back because of her pride and she knows it. Whenever we have a fight, I would always be the one to say sorry and drag her back.

Maybe this was a sign that we're not meant to last.

"Yes sir, but under my conditions." He raised an eyebrow and I continued speaking my terms.

"Slightly demanding, but it can be done." He said after some consideration. I bowed slightly and turned my body to leave but he stopped me. "You were finding me earlier, agent?"

"No sir, it's of no importance." I stated and left quickly before I was able to break down in front of him.

I spent the rest of my day in my office, thinking about what's to come. I didn't even do any of my work and quite frankly, I don't have any mood to do it. Once the clock hits six, I packed my bags and went back home, knowing it would still be another few hours before Nat leaves the compound.

I ate, showered, did my nightly routine and went to bed without waiting for Nat to come home. Did I sleep two hours earlier than I usually did? Yes. Did I wake up two hours earlier than I usually do? Also yes.

The next day Nat came back home earlier than I thought, I just finished showering when I heard the front door close and she appeared in the room shortly after.

"You went to get transferred and you didn't tell me? I had to hear it from Maria?" I scoffed at her words and took the hairdryer to blow my hair. She yanked it out of my hands and I looked at her. "Answer me!"

"Why should I?" I glared at her.

"What?" She looked at me in disbelief that I dared challenge her. I stood up from the dressing table and looked her directly in the eyes.

"You joined the Avengers Initiative without telling me. It's not that big of a deal is it?"

"Don't try to change the topic."

"I'm not. We are talking about not telling our partner the decisions we make, are we not? You chose the side of the Avengers without realising hence I'm making mine." I pushed her aside and went to my wardrobe to take my night clothes. "I don't think we are working anymore, Natasha."


"Since I can't give you what you want, let's get a divorce. It'll be better for both of us." I took the spare blanket and pillow from the bed and went to the living room's couch. It'll be far too awkward to be sleeping on the same bed when I just offered a divorce. Surprisingly, or maybe not, Natasha didn't say anything. If she was thinking the same but unable to be the one to open the mouth, then I'll be the one to say it.

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