Intern S.J

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I know this is going to be boring so I'm going to post another one later.

Your POV
I am in my final year of tertiary education. In this last semester, we are supposed to go on an internship with companies. A few months back, the school gave us the option of self-securing or waiting for the school to assign you. Me being the lazy bum that I am, left it to school to decide for me and not have to deal with all the paperwork that comes along with it. All we had to do was fill up an online form for our preference and leave the rest to the teachers.

"What should I choose? Big 4 or Non-Big 4?" I asked my mom who was sitting next to me as I filled up the form.

"It's up to you sweetie." Scarlett rubbed my thighs. I mean, go big or go home right? I clicked on the Big 4 option. Soon enough, after the application period my friends are asking around which one we chose. All of us hoped we would get together but some are in finance, some are in assurance.

The school took a few months before getting back to us our posted results. Phones were ringing as everyone wanted to know if they have friends getting posted together. I woke up late that day so I immediately grabbed my phone and checked.

"Mom! I got in. I got into one of the Big 4!" I rushed down to the living room still in my sleeping clothes.

"That's great! Shall we go out and get some clothes for you?" That's right, I need a change of clothes in my wardrobe. All I have is casual wear and shorts since I get hot easily. Formal wear isn't really my thing, I only wear them on special occasions.

>time skip to after shopping<

We spent half the day going around the shopping mall to buy clothes. I was really picky on design and my legs were tired by the end of it. I just couldn't understand how my mom has so much energy and strength to walk any further, I was whining to sit down at every sight of a chair. Mom was even wearing a high heel, don't those make your feet pain?

"My feet hurt...." I kicked off my shoes and slumped on the couch as soon as I got back.

"You only walked for a few hours."

"But I don't like walking..." I kicked my leg and up and down.

>time skip to before intern<

"Hey mom... can you bring me to my workplace so I know where it is...?" I wanted to familiarise myself with the place so I don't get lost. I am not like my friends, I am always staying at home in my safe place even though my mom may not be at home at times. But since it is the Covid period, she's been staying at home more.

"Sure sweetie."

We went in the morning, estimating how long it would take to reach the office on a normal working day. Since we were already there, we ate our breakfast at one of the cafes nearby. "Are you nervous sweetie?" Mom asked me.

"Yeah... I'm scared I will mess up."

"This is your chance to learn. Learn from your seniors, mentors and supervisors. I too was nervous when I first started acting."

"But this will affect my grade too."

"Trust me. As long as you do your work, you will pass. I believe in you." Mom assured me.

"Thank you mom."

I set my alarm for my first day of work. I needed to go to the office to collect my laptop to work from home. When I came back with the laptop, I immediately went to set it up without changing out of my formal wear. Yes, I wore formal wear just to go and collect my laptop. For some reason, I was unable to log into my laptop. Great, stuck at step 1. After trying a few times, I still couldn't get in. I called the IT department for help but it wasn't working. I was sweating and unbuttoned the top few buttons. It still wasn't working and I asked my friend who got posted to the same company. Turns out I was keying in the wrong letter, it was supposed to be the letter O instead of the number 0. I thanked the IT department after being on call for almost an hour.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now