Agent of you S.J

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Your POV
When you love someone, even their name is so sexy. I have her name typed out in a normal word document. Just in the normal Arial font, size 12, but I have it repeated in my head. How can one name sound so good and does things to you?

"Hey, honey. What are you doing?" I heard my mom's voice and immediately shut my laptop. I turn around just in time to see her walking in.

"Nothing, just getting ready to study."

"Study? Isn't it the holidays?" She finds it ridiculous that I'm still studying even though it was time to relax. It was relaxing for me though. I am studying to become my mom's agent, but I didn't tell her about it. I wanted to surprise her. Yes, whose name I have typed out in the my word document, yes, I love my mom, Scarlett Johansson.

"Anyway, I am going to set. Do you want to come along?" She shook off the thought of her child being a freak for studying.

"Really?" My eyes brighten. I wanted to learn more from her current agent (let's call him Ben), but I didn't know his contact number and I didn't want to ask my mom.

"Change. I'm going out now." I quickly scrambled for my clothes to make myself presentable before joining my mom in her car.

Ben was sure to be there, he would always be on set with Scarlett, updating her on her schedule on what's going on for the week or any changes to the update. I decided to shadow him for the day to learn more about the job.

I immediately spot him waiting for Scarlett next to her trailer.

"Hi Scarlett."

"Hi Ben, anything for the week?" They talk about work while I stand by the side, listening to what they say. "Honey, why don't you go find Lizzie or the rest?"

"No it's ok. I'll stay." I wanted to learn more about how they discuss and plan things. Nothing better than learning from the real deal. Learning how they plan to execute their actions and deal with any upcoming interviews or statements was an eyeopener. These things were taught in the course that I'm attending, but it feels different to see it in action.

Mom got called away for her time on screen and I was left with Ben. Time to ask questions.

"When did you decide to become an agent?"

"Where did this question come from?" He chuckled. "It just came to me, I always like interacting with people, planning things."

"Is it a tough job?"

"Girl... which job isn't tough?" I shrugged my shoulders. He is right, behind all the things that we can't see, hides the errors and sacrifices, only showing the flowery side.

Scarlett POV
She was very excited to come to set with me which isn't a surprise. But instead of sticking around me, she has been following around my agent a lot. There's no way she has a thing for him right? Their age gap is.... When I finally finished my scene, I saw Y/N around him again. What are they doing? Are they exchanging phone numbers? Are they this close now?

"Hi baby, I'm done here for the day. The team is going for dinner, are you coming?"

"No... I think I'm going back home. I still need to study."

"Okay." She gave me a quick kiss before leaving. Strange... why did she come to set with me? I didn't even get to spend much time with her.

"I see that you're getting close to Y/N." I simply stated to Ben.

"She's nice."

How was I supposed to respond to that comment? Thoughts are clouding my mind.

Your POV
I still had things to complete at home. I am so close to completing the course and getting my certificate. I had managed to ask a lot of questions and learned tremendously. I told Ben to leave his assistant spot empty because I am sure to get it. I also reminded him not to tell anything to mom because surprise, remember?

>time skip to after getting certificate<

I squealed, the results came back and I passed. Those hard work paid off. I can't wait to tell someone but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. Usually, I'm a tight lip when it comes to other people's secrets, but this time I was using everything in me not to say it.

But I wanted to celebrate the occasion so I dragged my mom out shopping. 

"Why are you shopping for clothes suddenly?"

"School's having a year end party." I lied, partially. I just wanted to get some work clothes and school was going to have a party, so I'm killing two birds with one stone. The clothes in my closet needed a desperate change even though I knew I could just take one from my mom.

I texted Ben about my accomplishment and he congratulated me. He also said he started the applications for me with the agency so I could be a legitimate agent assistant. I just can't wait to surprise my mom. There are times when I almost slipped and had to recover from it.

Ben informed me a few days back that Scarlett had to go to set today so I told mom I had plans with friends today when in actual fact I'm going to meet Ben. He handed me my staff pass and guided me through the process. It was time to go to set so he drove me there. He always has to be there before Scarlett arrives. Everyone is surprised that I came with Ben instead of my mom.

Scarlett POV
When I arrived on set, everyone was eying me. That is weird, do I have something on my face? I checked my phone just in case I misread the schedule and I was not supposed to be here, but there was nothing wrong. I continued making my way to my trailer, and as usual, Ben was waiting for me.

"MOM!" Y/N jumped out from the corner and I jumped in shock.

"Y/N! What are you doing here? I thought you were out with friends."

"I wanted to surprise you." She held up the lanyard around her neck and I took a closer look, assistant agent.

"It's that what you've been studying?"

"Yup! I'm somewhat your agent now. Ben delegated me some jobs." She jumps in joy.

"That's right, she's my assistant. She'll be the one going through your schedule for the week from now on."

I lifted an eyebrow at Y/N. "Yup!"

"Hey, are you listening?" She asked as she was going through the schedule.

"Huh? Yeah. I'm going to shoot now, we'll talk more at home okay?"

>at home<

"I can't believe my agent is following me home." I said as I opened the door to our house.

"Don't worry. Work is work. Home is home. Unless it's urgent."

"What about school?" I asked since she has school and now she has a job. There's nothing wrong with being an agent but I still think school is important.

"Nothing wrong with it. I've obtained permission to finish the remaining three months in school and start work immediately after."


"I won't go easy on you Scarlett."

"Hey. Home is home."

Written on 18/9/2021
Posted on 24/10/2021

Funny how  when I am writing this as I am completing the first week of my intern and I am dying, but here I am writing about how excited I am to learn from a job. I can't wait for this to end, about 4 and half month to go. It did make me think if I want to continue with this industry after school.

Also, I don't know if agent has assistant.

Part 2??

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now