Deaf pt3 N.R

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Requested (9)

Natasha POV
The next morning, I sneaked to Y/N's room before anyone woke up. I stood outside and knocked before mentally hitting myself, she's not going to be able to hear anything if she's not wearing her hearing aids.

I looked around before turning the door knob, making sure no one saw me. I should have just walked in from the beginning, it would have been a whole lot less conspicuous.

Y/N was still sleeping peacefully on her bed and once again, I realised I was tipping my toes when she couldn't hear me. I peeled back her duvet and gently caressed her cheeks. When I remembered yesterday's situation, I straightened myself as we technically haven't said anything to each other.

I tapped Y/N shoulders, trying to get her to wake up but she just stirred in her sleep and dug her face deeper into the pillow. I yanked the pillow from her head, making her plop to the bed from the sudden movement.

She turned her head to find the source of the problem and when she saw me, she sat up in a hurry and asked. "Nat, what are you doing here? Do we need to go?" She started panicking thinking she had to go for a mission.

"Nonono." I shook my head and dragged her back to bed. "I just wanted to talk to you before we start the day." I signed for her because she wasn't wearing her hearing aids.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" She proceeded to wear her hearing aids so it was easier for us to converse.

All of a sudden, the confidence left me. I played with my fingers, the world prepared me for everything else except this. It was hard to find the words to come out of my mouth, I sat there while Y/N waited patiently.

"I-I yesterday when I brought you back to bed after you fainted from scaring Tony, I heard you talk in your sleep." I watched as I saw her starting to think about what she could remember after she fainted. Her eyes widened in shock when she seemingly remembered what she dreamt about.

"Y-you heard it?"

"I guess so." I wasn't really sure if we were talking about the same thing.

"Well, what do you think?"

I struggled to come up with an answer because I don't want to embarrass myself if the topic was really different but how was I supposed to come up with a vague answer? "I-I really hope we are talking about the same thing or I'm about to embarrass myself. I- I like you too. If you were just dreaming, I understand, it's okay." I rambled, wanting to make my point across.

"Natasha." She grabbed my hands and I looked at her. "I like you too."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I'm glad I came to her room the first thing in the morning, it has already made my day so much better.

"Do you want to make breakfast together?" I asked her.


Now it is later in the morning and the entire team has come down for breakfast. Tony still hasn't learnt his lesson and was messing with her hearing aid, making her take it off so he wasn't about to bother her.

While we were having pancakes for breakfast, things started multiplying, there were suddenly a lot of pancakes on the table and it started piling up. It wasn't just pancakes, coffee cups, pans and cutlery all over the house.

"N-Nat." She realised it was her power that was going haywire and was sitting there tightly gripping onto her fork and knife.

"It's okay, it's okay. Close your eyes." I covered her eyes with my hands before carrying her back to her room. Everyone was staring at us as we left the dining room.

Restricting her sight was one of the key points in containing her power. If she couldn't see, she wouldn't be able to generate items as quickly.

It was tough calming her down as she wouldn't be able to hear my voice telling her that she's safe but I did the best as I could running my hands up and down her back.

When I saw she was still hyperventilating I knew I needed to act before she passed out again or ran out of space in the room.

I pressed my lips against hers and she stopped moving at the new contact. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and looked at me. "I hope that's okay." I signed when I pulled away.

"More than okay." She nodded and assured me.

After she calmed down, we cuddled facing each other as I had to sign to her because she didn't want to take the chance that Tony was messing with her hearing aids. I really have to give Tony a piece of my mind before he truly learns his lessons.

"I was thinking of just getting a normal hearing aid from the store outside." Y/N said.

"Sure, I'll just help you steal Tony's card and we'll get you the best hearing aids." I signed to her and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks. You're the best."

Written on 29 March 2022
Posted on 1 April 2022

Requested by: marvlfann89 RINEP2478 MariaHillsSlug

Being requested for a second part was surprising. It was even more shocking when a third part was requested. Hope it's alright. It's slightly shorter but that's all I could think of in a short time.

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