Sound N.R

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"Are you seriously bringing her in?" Steve asked Fury, not agreeing with his decision. "She's a criminal."

"She knows her stuff." Fury said as he walked down the corridor to where you were held with the rest of the Avengers. They didn't trust you yet, so you were handcuffed with them surrounding, looking at you. You'd be lying if you said you weren't intimidated by them, especially the blonde guy with the cape, but they don't need to know.

Everyone turned to look at Fury and Steve when they walked in. "Let's get started shall we?" Clint took a blindfold from god knows where and covered your eyes with them. "I'll say this again, Romanoff would shoot a couple of shots from the gun and you're going to tell me what gun it is."

"Got it." They turned you around to face the wall in case you could see through the blindfold. You could hear her reloading the gun and shooting a couple of shots.


You heard the bullet casing dropped on the floor again and said. "AR15."


"AK47." You started saying the answers before Natasha stopped shooting. "Can we maybe speed it up and just shoot one bullet for each gun?"

You can't see, but everyone was looking at each other, surprised at your confidence. Fury gave Natasha the go ahead and she started again. You have to admit, it was getting tougher but you know your ears won't play tricks on you. "Just because I got cheeky doesn't mean you have to do the same."

"Just tell us if you can't do it." Tony sneered.

"Who says. It's the MP5 and Vector. The vector especially, has a very unique sound." You clicked your tongue at the end of the sentence.

"Last one." Fury said before Natasha started reloading the gun.

After hearing the shot, you dropped your head down and smiled. "Saving the best for the last huh? It's my favourite gun, Colt Python."

"We tried to make things tougher on you but I guess that didn't work." Clint removed your blindfold as Fury spoke. "You'll be working with Clint. You'll be our listening and gun specialist." Right now, Natasha thinks you're hot. With your extensive knowledge of guns and confidence, you were the only person who came close to getting her attention.

"I thought I would be working with Ms Romanoff here." You said, pointing at her.

"They are in the same team."

"Let's go, your room is next to mine." Natasha tapped your shoulder before heading out of the room. You hopped out of the chair and waved at everyone before leaving the room with her.

"How about I take you out for dinner tonight?" Natasha said as she stopped in front of your door.

"Ohhh making the first move are we..."

"I wouldn't consider that after hearing what you said in the armoury."

"I accept. I was about to ask you the same."

"Tonight. 7pm."

Written on 7/10/2021
Posted on 6/1/2022

Very dialogue heavy for this one, I know...

I know nothing about guns, my country doesn't even allow airsoft...

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now