Dodgeball N.R

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Your POV
I couldn't find anyone in the compound despite most of the guys being free. Sad to say only the ladies this time were sent on a mission meaning Nat and Wanda. Both of them have been going on missions a lot, mainly because Nat was taking Wanda indirectly under her wing. Nat didn't mention anything about it but I know she cares for Wanda too, hoping to assimilate her into the team.

"JARVIS, where are the rest of the team?"

"Ms Y/L/N, they are in the activity room."

"Thanks JARVIS."

I ran down to the activity room. Tony decided to build it in the basement because most of the living quarters are stationed above and the guys tend to make a lot of noise on whatever games they play.

"Try harder next time, capsicle!"
"It's not fair with his spidey sense!"
"I'm sorry, Mr Rogers."

I could hear them before I even stepped close to the door.

I pushed open the door and the next moment I'm on the ground seeing stars.

Did I mention that I was wearing my spectacles? And I believe that the ball was thrown by the one and only Captain Rogers, god knows how much strength he put into throwing the dodgeball.

"Oh no oh no, is she alive?"

"Oh no... Nat is going to kill us."

"We better hide the evidence before she comes back."


(can you guess who said what?)

"I'm not dead guys..." I groaned as I sat up. The ball flew straight into my face and broke the bridge of my spectacles. "But I can't see really well." Normally I would wear contacts when I go on a mission.

"Your- your nose! It's bleeding!" Peter exclaimed. I touched my nose and there was blood on my fingers.

"Let's get you to Bruce, make sure everything is okay." Steve helped me up and brought me to the lab.

Natasha POV
There was silence throughout the compound when Wanda and I came back, and it's never a good sign when it comes to the boys. It usually means they are hiding something or something bad has happened.

They were not in the dining nor the living room. I was about to check the training room when I passed by the lab and saw them surrounding Y/N?

I slammed the door and barged into the room and I saw Y/N with her nose bruised? "Who did this?" The boys shivered at my tone and voice.

"They were just playing dodgeball when I walked in, Nat." She motioned for me to go closer.

"Are you okay?" I carefully touched her nose, not wanting to hurt her.

"Yeah, Bruce checked already."

"The boys are still not off the hook." I turned to face them and they scurried off, trying to be the first one to leave the lab.

"I can only wear contacts until I have my new spectacles. Oh right, how did your mission go?"

"I came back looking better than you. Wanda is fine too."

"Come on, let's go. I'm going to punish them later. Do you want to walk or...?" Y/N stretched out her arms. "Okay, baby."


Written on 13 Nov 2021
Posted on 7 May 2022

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