Sleepwalking N.R

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Check out rxmqnvff One Shot books. Got the idea from her. Though, if you are reading this, you should have already read her books, it's amazing.

You got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen, stopping one step before the kitchen. You knew you were never allowed in there. "Mummy, I wan m'lk." You rubbed your eyes and looked at Natasha.

"It's still too early, baby."

You wanted milk so badly and Nat had taught you well not to enter the kitchen but that's where she was. Your body was screaming at you to rush at her but your mind told you better. It was very conflicting so you sat at the entrance and threw a tantrum. "M'lk, I wan m'lk!" All the Avengers turned their heads towards the kitchen.

"Okay okay baby. Can you wait for me in bed?" Natasha took out the equipment needed to heat up your milk. There was a designated cabinet for your stuff so you knew whenever she opened it, you were getting your milk.

"Me wait for mummy here." You clapped your hands and giggled. You wanted to watch her at work so continued to sit on the floor and gaze up at her.

"Are you that happy, baby?"

Wanda noticed you got out of bed when the alarm in your room rang. As per normal, it didn't manage to wake you up and you proceeded out of your room. It was hard to differentiate if you went down for water or you were sleepwalking when you had your eyes opened.

You mumbled incoherent words and Wanda was unable to catch anything you said. When she was looking around at what it was you wanted, you dropped to the floor and rested your head on the side of the counter.

"Y/N!" Wanda was now able to confirm that you were sleepwalking. You looked around, taking in your surroundings after feeling someone shaking you.


"You were sleepwalking again."

You always suffered from sleepwalking from a young age. Therefore, sensors were installed at the doors of your room that activated after a certain time, to alert anyone when you stepped out of your room. Initially, Nat slept with you but as you got older, Fury started sending her for longer missions more frequently. She had no choice but to slowly set these measures in place and stopped sleeping with you gradually. Though occasionally, she would make an exception and sleep with you when days were tough.

When she's out on a mission, Wanda would be tasked to take care of you. Natasha knew, without a doubt, your sleepwalking always worsened when she's not around. Your room has a separate bed for Wanda when Nat is not around. You were close with the team but you weren't comfortable sleeping with them on the same bed.

The next few days, you had a sleepwalking streak. You would end up in places such as Nat's office, training room or even the couch. Since you were safe on the couch you didn't move after, Wanda left you there and sat on a nearby couch to look after you. She knew sometimes you would be having a nice dream so she didn't want to cut it short for you.

Today, you were sleepwalking again. Except this time, your destination was near. Just next door.

"Do you have to leave?" You asked Nat who was suiting up. You would always ask her when she goes on a mission. The answer would always be the same but you can't help but have a little hope when you ask.

"I'm sorry baby... " Nat came and hugged you.

"I'm not a baby..." You mumbled into her shoulders.

"You are my baby." Nat pulled away and cupped your face. "You know I'll come back for you. I'll always come back for you."

"I'll miss you."

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