Heart N.R

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Your POV
"Y/N!" I heard Natasha shout from a distance. I looked down at my chest to see blood pooling at my shirt. Someone must have thrown a knife at me amid the chaos. I tried to find my balance and started coughing out blood as I grabbed onto the wall, but I ended up falling to the ground.

"Y/N! Stay with me." Natasha came running, leaving the rest to cover for her. She assessed the situation quickly before reporting back to the team. Nat didn't pull the knife out because I would start losing blood more quickly.

I could see the fear and desperation in her eyes as she tried to make me stay awake. I would never have guessed that my energy would drain so quickly. I guess you have to experience it to know. "Nat... I'm okay."

"It's dangerously close to your heart!"

"It's-" Before I can say any further, I was carried away by the medic back into the jet.

"It's okay, you're going to be okay." Nat followed me into the jet as the fight was almost over.

I was slowly losing consciousness and I needed to tell Nat before it was too late. "You need... to get Bruce, only he can help."

Natasha POV
After Y/N told me to get Bruce she passed out, I looked over to the medic and they started putting an oxygen mask over her and tried to make sure there's still a pulse by the time we get back to the compound. I messaged Bruce and told him to get ready as Y/N needed help.

Our jet took off first, leaving the rest of the team behind because even though the fight was over, there's still things that needed to be done.

Bruce was waiting by the helipad with a stretcher as the jet landed. Very quickly, she got transferred between beds and was wheeled off to surgery.

I was anxiously waiting behind the door, pacing around as I waited for someone to come out and tell me how it went. By the time the team came back, Bruce was still not out yet. "How's Y/N?" Steve came and asked.

"I don't know." I sighed nervously. "They are still in there, nobody has come out yet. I don't know why it's taking so long. It usually doesn't take that long." I could feel myself shaking as I spoke.

"Hey! Y/N is going to be fine. She's strong."


"No buts. Trust her and trust Bruce. Why don't you go and clean up. At least change out of your suit. You would want to be ready when she's out."

I looked at Steve. He was right, as much as I didn't want to be too far away from her, I want to be ready. I took a last look at the ER before leaving to change. I didn't waste any time changing and quickly got back down and Steve was still there. He gave me a quick side hug and left, not before patting my back to reassure me again.

I couldn't sit still for long and was pacing outside the room most of the time. It was another hour before Bruce finally came out of the surgery room. I was waiting desperately for him to speak as he gathered his thoughts.

"Y/N is a special case-"

"Special case?" I cut him off.

"Y/N is fine now, the rest is just suturing her up." He calmed me down before explaining again. "It took longer than usual because Y/N's body is different..."

Just then, I saw the rest of the medical team wheeling her out and transferring her into a room. Bruce and I continued talking about Y/N operation. "How different?"

"Biologically different. Her internal organs are swapped. Like for example, the place where the knife was logged, was supposed to be near her heart. But in this case, her heart was on her right side instead, essentially saving her life this time. It took longer because all her arteries and veins are in a different spot and we had to operate by looking through a mirror to get back what we are normally used to."

No wonder she told me to go get Bruce, the normal medic team wouldn't have known what to do. "So she's fine now?"

"Yeah. You can head in." I took a seat next to her as I waited for her to wake up. She knew about her condition so why didn't she tell me earlier? The rest of the team came into the room after learning that Y/N was out of surgery. We gathered around her and talked about usual things like we usually do, just in a different setting.

"Come on guys, let's give Y/N and Nat some space." Wanda shooed the rest of the team out and they said their goodbyes before leaving the room. I sent Wanda a kind smile before she closed the door behind her.

It was another few hours in the room with no movement coming from her. Wanda came and gave me a blanket and pillow knowing I wouldn't leave her and there was a couch I could lie on. We chatted for a few minutes before she left for bed as well.

I wished Y/N goodnight before taking my place on the couch. It was a few hours in before I was relaxed enough to close my eyes. Despite being in the same room, I couldn't help but get worried if anything happened to her. I kept my senses up as I closed my eyes.

I woke up early the next morning to check on her condition to make sure she's okay. Bruce also came in to make sure her fluids were enough and the machine was hooked properly. Wanda came to deliver breakfast. She honestly has been such a great help. She knows what to say and what not to say and things are comfortable between us.

I heard Y/N stir next to me and I looked at her. I know I wasn't dreaming as Wanda came forward to check as well. "Y/N. Can you hear me?" She groaned before blinking her eyes open.

"I'll go get Bruce." Wanda said before running out.

"Nat." She spoke softly.

"You're okay now. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how."

Bruce came to check on her and I stopped the conversation to let Bruce examine her in peace. He did an overall check and said she was free to leave the next day and remember to change the bandage regularly.

"Do you have anything else you want to tell me?" I asked after everyone left the room.

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm not mad. I'm just... scared." I sighed. "What if you didn't manage to tell me to get Bruce? Who is going to be able to save you?"

"I'm sorry."

>time skip<

Y/N has been out of the room for a couple of days and was slowly getting better. Her wound is closing but because of that she has been scratching it a lot more. I had to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't reopen her wound or let her stitches rip open.

We were cuddling in bed when suddenly, she slumped her head on my shoulder and sniffed, letting a tear slip. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"It hurts."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Let me go get some painkillers from Bruce." I gave her two pills of painkillers and a glass of water to swallow.

"You need to tell me earlier, don't keep it all in."

"I thought I could bear the pain."

"You don't have to. The pills are drowsy, so go and sleep." She shifted down the bed and waited as the pill took its effect. We can't cuddle properly because of her wound but we always made sure a part of us is touching so we know the other is here.

I waited until she fell asleep before letting myself do the same. "At least I can still hear your heartbeat." I said, before letting sleep consume me.

Written on 16 Oct 2021
Posted on 3 Feb 2022

Got the idea of swapped heart places from a Chinese drama but the idea of operating through a mirror from a manga called Blackjack.

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