Learning emotions from pictures N.R

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For the longest time, you didn't know what emotions were. Having been stuck in Hydra's basement for so long since young, you didn't have a chance to experience what's happy, sad or even angry. You do feel those emotions but you didn't know it had a name.

It was until the Avengers rescued you from the basement and invited you to join them since you have super speed. You were very confused at the emotions they were displaying on their face. And sometimes they would ask you questions such as, are you happy, are you sad and you didn't know how to reply to them. They just thought that you were closed off and refused to answer their questions, when in actual fact, you didn't know what they meant. With the help of Wanda and the others, you slowly managed to learn how to use the internet. Some say you learned it quicker than Steve did!

In your own room and sometimes in your bathroom since you needed the mirror to see your facial expression, you googled all the different expressions and tried to mimic them on your face. There's an explanation along with the pictures and you would learn when to use such expressions in different situations. You would look at the pictures shown in your phone and copy it before moving to the next one. Over time, you managed to learn the majority of it, especially the common ones.

Then comes the party that Tony Stark is famous for. He likes to hold these random parties just to make himself feel good since he has so much money to spend anyway. Natasha was trying to make use of this opportunity to get closer to you since you have been in your room the majority of the time, you would only come out to eat and stay with the team for a while before heading back to your room. She had no chance of catching you alone.

You had just gotten ready and were about to head to the party when Natasha came into your room.

"You look in that outfit." Natasha commented.

"Thanks. You too." You had learnt from the internet to always return the compliment. However, whatever was pasted on her face was something you had never learned before. It was an expression that was unfamiliar to you. Either way, Natasha accompanied you down to the party and you started interacting with other team members after getting a few beers in your system.

You sat next to Wanda and talked a lot since she had a brother with the same powers as you and you reminded a lot of him. You spend the majority of the time at the party with Wanda because you don't want to be alone and there's no one else to go to, until it was time for Tony's game.

"Spin the bottle!" He took one from the pile on the floor and placed it on the table. You have played his game before so you know what's coming, safe to say, no one is as excited as him.

>skip a few rounds<

"Go ahead. It's your turn." Sam spoke after kissing Bucky.

You stood up and spun the bottle and it landed on Natasha. Everybody ouuuhed since due to her amazing luck, she has hardly been the victim of this game. You scratched the back of your neck and went over to Natasha. You gave her a kiss and tried to pull away but she brought you in closer. Even the team watching was also surprised that the kiss was still going.

When Natasha finally lets you go, you stood there with your face red. Steve cleared his throat and you snapped back to reality.

"Ummmm, you guys can continue." You covered your face and walked out of the party. Natasha also looked at the guys before following you.

Your heart was beating so fast but you didn't know if it was the effect of alcohol or what just happened. You went into your room and splashed water on your face. You heard the door click and you scrambled out to hide your things but Natasha had already seen what was on your table, the drawings of different expressions.

"What are all these?" She picked up a few of them.

"Just drawings."

"But why?" Then, it all clicked for Natasha. The first few awkward days with the team, the simplistic drawing that has no artistic impression, the constant time spent in the bathroom. "You didn't know what expressions were?" She puts back the drawings on the table.

"I- I" You have no idea what to say. What would she think of you? Who doesn't know what expressions are?

"I can teach you." Natasha spoke. You looked at her face but you couldn't find the expressions you learned. It was neither sad nor angry nor disappointed. "Something that you can never learn until you experience it. Love." She stepped closer to you. "It is a mixture of different expressions and it's hard to pinpoint one."

She's so close to you that you have dropped to the bed. "I love you." She spoke.

Written on 10/9/2021
Posted on 15/9/2021

Inspired by another Korean Drama but I forgot which one, it's been quite some time since I watched it.

Let me just rant about my intern. I just started ended my second day and only on training but I feel like I'm dying. I'm sitting in front of a laptop the whole day with only lunch break. Even after working hours there's extra elearning which they gave us which made me sat in front of the laptop even longer, until 12 midnight. Granted I took 2 hrs off for dinner but that would also be 10pm?  I'm dying...

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