Vivid dream S.J

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Your POV
I don't know why, but the same dream kept repeating recently. It happened a long time ago and I thought I had forgotten about it already but I guessed not. It resurfaced.

I was once held hostage in a bank. Whoever were at the bank were actually. The robbers started spraying their guns as soon as they came in and everyone dropped to the floor. They ordered the staff to lock all the doors and bring out all the cash.

While the cash was being packed for them, they tied our hands behind our back and ordered us to shift to the side. Everyone was being pushed to the corner. We heard sirens coming from outside the bank, someone outside must have notified the police or they pressed the security button.

The robbers started shouting through their masks, pointing their guns at us. Most of us screamed, thinking our life was going to end there. The police started shouting through their megaphone, exchanging demands with the robbers, trying to maintain civilian's safety. The robber pointed at one of us to stand up and with his shaky legs, he managed to stand and walk closer to the robber.

One of them decided to be a hero and rushed forward causing the robber to shoot the first guy who stood up. His blood splattered everywhere, on the floor and on us as he dropped to the floor. Police hearing the gun shot and screams, burst into the room exchanging gunfire. I don't know what happened after as I blocked everything out, seeing the body on the ground, blood staining the marble floor. It took me a minute to register what had happened before passing out.

I woke up screaming in bed as Scarlett's cold hands touched my face. I moved away from her in shock as it felt like blood was splattering on my face again.

"Hey, it's just me. Scarlett, it's just me." I looked at her, trembling. I put my face in my hands as I took a deep breath. "Are you okay?" Scarlett rubbed my back.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a nightmare." My voice was shaking.

"If you need anything, I'm here okay?"

"Yeah. Let's just go back to sleep."

Scarlett POV
Y/N hasn't been sleeping the same the past few days. She's been having nightmares but she never tells me what it was about. I can see her eye bags under her eyes as she's losing sleep and she zones out in the middle of the day. At first I tried to wake her up but she flinched away at my touch and I learned to leave her alone.  I tried asking if she was okay, but she pushed it off saying it was nothing.

"Babe, I need to go to the bank to settle some stuff, do you want to go?" I asked.

"NO!" Y/N shouted.

"Okay, geez. Nobody is forcing you to go." I don't understand why she was being so loud about it, she usually follows me everywhere.

"Sorry. Just... stay safe." She said quietly.

"Don't worry. I'll be back soon." I gave Y/N a kiss on her cheek before leaving.

When I was at the bank, Y/N kept calling and messaging me. Making sure I was alright. I furrowed my eyebrow, she doesn't have separation anxiety, why the sudden change in behaviour? I shrugged off the thought and kept texting her until it was my turn to go up to the counter.

Even when I was talking to the staff, my phone kept vibrating. I had to put my phone away because it was distracting me from what the staff was explaining.

I lost track of time and checked my phone when I finished my business with the bank and there were fifty messages and twenty calls. I was shocked, all of them came from Y/N. Did something happen?

I called her back and she immediately spoke like a machine gun, asking questions if I was okay, if I was hurt and when I was going back.

"Calm down... I'm okay. It took longer than I thought it would. I am coming back as we speak."

"Can we... can we continue to talk on the phone until you come back?"

"Sure." We talked about random stuff, our work, friends, tv shows, movies, etc.

Y/N has never been so afraid before, if anything, she tries to remain calm and acts as if everything was fine. It was the first time she showed such an expression. An expression which I told her repeatedly that it was fine to show, to display. 

"Scarlett!" She ran forward to hug me as soon as I stepped back into the house.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay. See?" I stepped back slightly to show that I was fine. "Are you okay?" I asked her back.

"I- I"

"Don't lie to me anymore. I know you've been losing sleep from all the nightmares. And all the text messages from earlier. What happened?"

She started playing with her fingers.

"You know no matter what, I'll be with you." I placed my hand on top of hers to give her strength.

She started telling me about her experience at the bank. I gave her time to speak, not pushing her to say anything she doesn't want to. I can't believe she had to go through such a terrifying ordeal. She has never been to the bank since, always leaving it to the others to do or if really necessary, they would have to meet outside the bank. No wonder she didn't want to follow me to the bank earlier.

"You don't have to go to the bank if you don't want to."

"I am just scared the same thing would happen to you." A tear fell out and I wiped it off with my thumb.

"Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm not going to the bank unless it's absolutely necessary." She nodded her head slowly. "Let's put on a movie and cuddle. I'm not going anywhere." She moved aside for me to sit next to her.

"I love it when you are like this."

"Sorry?" She looked up at me.

"I love it when you're afraid of losing me."

"That's because I love you." She snuggled closer to me.

It brings a smile to my face. "I love you too."

Written on 2/10/2021
Posted on 12/12/2021

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