Reservist S.J

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Scarlett POV
It was finally a day where we were both free and were cuddling on the couch watching a show that was playing on the TV when we suddenly saw a green flashing icon on the top of the screen. My heart dropped because I knew what it was. She was going to have to leave again.

Y/N got her phone out and started calling her friends that were in the same platoon as her and they all received the same news, they were being called back to camp.

"Do you really have to go?" I watched as she started packing her army bag.

"That's funny Scarlett. You know I would land in jail if I don't go." She gave me a kiss and continued packing. I know I was already having it easy since she was only going back to camp to train while the others had to go on tour and risk their lives.

"But I'll miss you." I whined.

"I'll miss you too." She finished packing everything since most of the things she needed were close together. "Let's see." She took a look at her watch. "I have another hour before I have to leave. What do you want to do?"

"Let's just cuddle and finish the movie?" I suggested.

"Sure." She picked me up bridal style and sat me on top of her. I could tell she was nervous as she played with my ring as she watched the movie.

"Are you nervous about going back?"

"A bit. It's been a year since I went back. I don't know if I can still do what I used to do. I am supposed to be the leader you know." Y/N whispered behind my neck. She lifted me up and placed me on the couch. "I got to go. See you soon. I should be able to come back during the weekend." She kissed me before going to grab her bulky bag.

"Wait! I can send you there." I went to grab my keys.

"Are you sure? There will be a lot of people." Y/N asked, concerned.

"I won't step out of the car." I promised her. I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

I drove all the way to the camp while holding her hand, not letting go, stopping a couple meters away from the gate. I gave her one last kiss before reaching over and opening the door for her.

"Stay safe."

"I will." I watched as she walked to the gate and hugged her buddies that were going to be in the same platoon as her. They have a special bond, having gone through rigorous training and watching each other's back in camp. Y/N pointed towards my car and they waved and nodded at me so I returned the gesture. After seeing them enter the camp, I also return home with a heavy heart and begin a long wait until the weekend when I can see her again.

Your POV
It was hard leaving Scarlett alone behind but it had to be done. I met up with my platoon mates and we started fist bumping each other, making jokes about how long we haven't seen each other.

We went in together and the officers checked through our bags for contraband items before assessing our fitness level. Everyone stayed silent as we recognised the sergeant, she was someone not to be messed with. One by one, we went to our station to test our sit up, push up, shuttle run and long distance run.

The first day back was the hardest as we had to be assessed on all these stuff. We hardly have any break between each station. Drills were tough but they weren't as demanding.

At the end of the day, we got back into our barracks and made sure everything was neat and tidy. Even in our sleeping area as they come around to check everyday. If they see anything they deem untidy, you might get held back or do extra drills.

>time skip to end of the week<

Scarlett POV
It's finally the end of the week and I have been trying all sorts of ways to make myself not miss Y/N so much. I have been trying to meet up with friends, trying new recipes and even mass cleaning but nothing worked.

Finally, I heard the door open and I lunged at her immediately. Y/N managed to catch me and spun around with me in her arms. "I miss you." I planted kisses all over her face.

"You have no idea how much I missed you too." She continued carrying me over the couch and dumped me there. "Wait for me. Let me change out of my uniform first."

I sat up and clung onto her again. "Scarlett?"

"No. I missed you all week already. I'm not going to let you out of my sight."

"Alright, just get down. We can walk together okay?" Y/N looked at me sweetly.

"Why? Are you hurt?" I got down immediately and checked.

"No Scarlett." She held my arms in place. "I'm just... sore, muscle pain."

I followed her into our room as she changed into more comfortable clothes. I whistled as she took off her top. She has been maintaining very well even not going back to the army, but just a week in and she looked a lot more toned. "Stop staring, Scarlett." I can't believe we have already been together for almost two years yet she still blushes when I look at her.

"Not starring, just admiring what's mine." I simply stated.

"Are you sure it's not mine before it's yours?" She went to put her uniform in the wash as she has to starch it and get it ready before she goes back in again.

"Nope. It's mine, alllll mine."

"Right it's yours, not mine. Can we just stay in bed today? I don't feel like moving anymore." 

I opened my arms and she went right in. I brought her closer to me and asked about her week. She told me how she had to wake up early when the sun just rose and made sure everyone did their drills right or the sergeant would ask them to restart again. Lunch was the same, no ruckus was to be made.

"Oh it turns out the sergeant is a fan of you! I'm pretty sure she let me and my platoon off a few times because of that."

"How does she know we are together?"

"She caught me looking at my home screen with the both of us." Y/N laughed cheekily.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?" I narrowed my eyes on her.

"I figured I could take it a chance."

Written on 17 Oct 2021
Posted on 8 Feb 2022

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