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Feels weird writing Nat out of character. Also, thanks for 5k ladies and gentleman, appreciate it a lot.

Natasha POV
It was the weekly movie night in the compound. Everyone was gathered in the room to watch movies and it was Wanda's turn to pick. I heard laboured breathing coming from my side and turned to see Y/N breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" I asked. It wasn't a scary movie or anything.

"Yes. Don't worry Nat." She gave me a light smile before letting out a deep breath. I gave her a look down but brushed it off.

"The movie is not bad." Steve commented.

"Right? I've been wanting to watch this for a long time." Wanda was really excited. I turned to check on Y/N again to see that she's in a daze.

Your POV
I snapped back to reality to see Natasha waving her hand in front of me. "Y/N!"


"Are you okay? You seemed very out of it since the movie started."

"Yes. I'm fine. Let's go back to bed shall we?" I felt like I was coming down with a cold and I was trembling but I didn't want Natasha to worry, I should be able to sleep it off.

I was trying to sleep but Nat was tossing around so much that I couldn't sleep. "Y/N?"


"I want cake."

Seriously, this woman wants cake in the middle of the night. "Okay. You can go get it." I sighed. I just want to sleep so I can get better in the morning.

"But I want to eat with you."

"You can bring it back to the compound to eat together." I tried to reason with her.

"But I want to go with you." Nat whined. Why is she like this when I am sick...

"Alright... Alright... I will come with you." I swung my legs off the bed and got out with her. I changed into proper attire and Nat drove us to the dessert café. I closed my eyes to rest as I bite my bottom lip to my trembling in the cold air con. Nat likes her surroundings to be cold which I normally don't mind but now I'm freezing. I tried to keep my sniffling down, acting as if it was nothing.

"Come on, let's go." Nat excitedly jumped out the car and dragged me into the shop. "You fancy any?" I shook my head and waited for her at the table. I put my chin on my palm. She came back with a plate and I opened my mouth. Nat chuckled and fed me a bite. She may have dragged me out of bed but I just love her so much. I'm glad when it's just the both of us, she's able to relax.

I watched Nat finish eating and I thought I could finally go back to bed but she suddenly wanted to eat ice cream too. Where did she get all the cravings from? Are you sure she's not pregnant? I looked at her in shock and gulped. "Nat... can we get it tomorrow? It's already past 2am." I could feel my head pounding.

"Please...?" Where did she learn all these from? Where is the stone cold Nat that I know? Did she watch too many movies?

"Fine..." I couldn't bear to break her heart. Nat drove us to another shop and this time I didn't steal a bite because I was already shivering enough. If I took a bite, Nat was sure to notice.

Finally it was about 3am when we got back to the compound. I was so out of my mind that I was stumbling into everything. "Be careful." Nat caught me before I fell. I was nearing my limit, all I wanted to do was lie in bed and sleep.

Finally I am in the comfort of the duvet, the warm spreading throughout my body as I quickly get pulled into sleep.

The next day, I was feeling worse, I knew I shouldn't have gone out and spent all my energy. I dug deeper into the duvet and Nat noticed I was awake and jumped on me. "Morning!"

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now