Memories pt2 S.J

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Scarlett POV
I didn't want Y/N to stay at home alone so I decided to bring her along with me to set. There hasn't been much improvement other than acting in a similar way, she hasn't remembered anything about her past. I felt bad making her stay in the trailer all day, but she wasn't going to do anything at home anyway. There's more people around here to keep an eye on her in case anything happens even though Chris was the only person she's met before. She doesn't interact with anyone and sits in my chair while I am doing my scene.

"We are going to have a team dinner, do you want to join?"

"No. Just bring something back for me will do." She got up and headed back to the trailer. I feel so useless not being able to help her. I know it's hard for her but I feel so alone.

Your POV
Scarlett extended the invite to me but I didn't feel like going. I was containing my anger the whole day and I felt if I went, I would end up lashing out at people and making a scene. I couldn't stand it anymore, it felt like someone was taking sandpaper and rubbing it against my heart. How can I be a psychologist when I can't even settle my own problem?

I screamed, taking whatever was near me and smashing it at the mirror, watching it break. Seeing all the numerous broken reflections of me as the glass shattered. The door slammed open and Scarlett looked at me in shock.

"Oh my god! Y/N, are you okay? Are you hurt?" She pulled me away from the glass, concern evident in her voice.

"I'm tired Scarlett..." I let out a few tears from my eyes. "I'm tired of people's expectations of me." I held onto her shirt and cried onto her chest. "I can't stand it. I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE! I don't know... I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM...." I broke down and cried even louder.

Scarlett POV
"It's okay, It's okay. We've got time. You don't have to force yourself to turn a certain way." I patted her back as she cried even harder and swayed her back and forth until her crying turned into occasional hiccups. I didn't know about the pressure she was going through. 

"I- I thought you went out." She managed to say, still not moving.

"I couldn't possibly leave you alone. Besides, I'll feel lonely without you too. No matter how many people are around me."

We continued for a couple of minutes before she managed to fall asleep in my arms. I picked her up carefully and set her in bed before cleaning the mess. I texted Chris to grab food for the both of us in case she wakes up in the middle of the night.

We've been sleeping in the same bed but there's an invisible line that we never crossed. This time, I wrapped my arms around her as she slept, I haven't felt so comforted by her for a long time. We haven't even held hands ever since her accident. I let myself sink into her touch as we both relaxed into the night.

I woke up the next morning and Y/N had already opened her eyes. "Sorry." I let go of my hands around her.

"Kiss me." She blurted.


"You're my wife right? Kiss me. I felt like I almost remembered something when I woke up in your arms. It was... really familiar." Since she requested it, I gave it to her.

"Remember anything?" I waved my hands in front of her.

"I- I we met on another set. I was there to advise on medical terms. That's all I remember."

"That's good. Baby step, we can work our way there." I encouraged her. "It seemed like Chris left yesterday's food on the table. Do you mind?" She shook her head and we sat down on the table to eat. I was happy not only because she remembered how we met, but our relationship was getting closer.


Ever since that day, she has been getting sporadic memories while we hang out. I'll know she's remembering things when she stops all of a sudden and she'll tell me what she remembered after. She's been smiling a lot since that day instead of pulling a long face. We've also gotten closer to the point where we are comfortable in each other presence.

We were sitting down on the couch watching a movie when all of a sudden she clutched her head, screaming in pain.

Your POV
We were watching a movie when I saw flashes of red. I shook my head but it didn't go away. I kept hearing ringing in my ears and I held my head and groaned. I screamed as screeching pain was shooting through my head and I held onto the arm rest that was about to break. All I saw was flashlight coming towards me and I jerked back and forth before landing upside down.

All the energy left my body as I slumped on the couch, the last thing I heard was Scarlett calling my name.

Scarlett POV
I kept calling out her name but she's not responding, she has never reacted in such a way before since she was discharged. I was getting worried because she seemed to be in a lot of pain. I was about to go and grab my phone when she flopped onto her side.

"Y/N!" I checked to make sure she's still conscious before lifting her legs to lie on the couch properly. I sat on the floor and leaned against the couch while waiting for her to wake up. We were doing so well, I hope nothing bad happened to her.

I heard her shift and I got up to look at her. "Y/N?"

"Scarlett?" She groaned.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling alright? Are you hurting anywhere?" A string of questions came out.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She tried to sit up so I helped.

"I scared you didn't I?" She said after taking a deep breath.


"You're lying."


"You always put your hands in your pocket when you are lying." I didn't even realise that my hands were in my pockets and I took them out.

"Wait... that means..." She smiled at me sheepishly. "You remember!" I pounced on her and she caught me in her arms.

"Yes. I remember everything babe. I love you so much." She gave me a quick kiss.

"I love you too." I returned her the kiss and her nose scrunched up. "I was so scared when I heard you got into an accident. You were in a coma for a long time and I was so lonely after you woke up, you were like a different person..."

"I'm sorry for putting you through this."

"It's okay, you're here with me now." I cupped her face. "And even if you're not, I know it's in there somewhere. You acted like yourself even if you didn't know."

"You said I was observant, you are too."

"Only for you."

Written on 29/9/2021
Posted on 28/11/2021

What do you think about this? The whole story took about two days for me to write. In between work of course. Otherwise, it wouldn't have taken me so long to write.

I just wanted to add Scarlett putting her hands in her pocket part, of course she would be scared seeing us passed out. What kinds of bs is this? But I couldn't think of another question we could ask that she could lie about when we just woke up.

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