Championship pt 1 S.J

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Your POV
Recently, my mum has been ignoring me. She's at home the whole day but she spends her time with Rose and Colin. That is the fate of the adopted, being forgotten easily, being tossed aside. I guess I should be glad they remember to place my set of cutlery and bowls during dinner time. I wondered if I just walked out of the house would they notice?

"Hey mum..." I tried to get her attention.

"Wait. Can't you see I'm busy?" She continues to face her laptop typing away things that I cannot see. I nodded my head and walked back to my room. Busy, a word that everyone uses when they need an excuse not to do something. I guess she doesn't want to have to do anything with me at all. I held back my tears even though I was shaking.

The next morning, I left a note on her table. I wanted to talk to her yesterday because today is my Badminton Championship, the first time our club managed to get to the finals. I wanted to invite her since I know she's not doing any projects at the moment but I thought wrong, I should have invited Elizabeth instead.

This is what I get for having expectations, I get disappointed.

We get to skip the last two periods of school to get ready and head to the school that was hosting the championship. We did our warmups and listened to the coach's guidance. The opponents we were matched against were the reigning champions of badminton. It was tough but we managed to fight through and win 3 games to 2.

Our team jumped from their seats and cheered and cried at our victory. We finally won a trophy for our school! We had our group hug and went on with the victory ceremony. To celebrate the hard earned win and our effort not gone to waste, we decided to have a team dinner.

>time skip to after dinner<

The dreaded time has come. It managed to stay out of my head until I parted ways with my teammates and had to go back home. Since I was the captain (I wish), I was tasked with holding the trophy until the next day of school. Maybe with the proof in hand, I will manage to get her attention? To be worthy of her attention?

With a heavy heart, I pushed open the front door. As much as I tell myself I don't need her, I desperately wants her attention. I could hear my heart thumping as I walked towards the living room. The sight broke my heart, the three of them with Rose in the center. Hell, do they even know someone walked into their house?

"I'm back." I said to them with their back facing me. Did I not say it loud enough? It was only when Scarlett turned to grab her phone did she realise I was there, even then, she said.

"How long have you been standing there? Why haven't you changed out of your clothes? Do I have to tell you to do everything?"

If someone has microscopic hearing, they would have heard my heart breaking into a million pieces. I turned around and wiped my tears and headed back to my bedroom. I put the trophy on my desk before walking over to the window. My room is on the second floor (the next one from the ground floor). It shouldn't be that high right?

I looked down and gulped. I should be okay, I should be okay. I am an athlete. I can take this.

I took a deep breath and jumped and rolled on the floor as I landed. Thank goodness for watching so many action dramas.

I took out my phone and called Elizabeth. I thought I would be okay but once I heard her voice, I broke down. I haven't cried in front of Scarlett and I don't know what to say. "Y/N sweetie, why are you crying?"

Between my sobbing, I told her to come and pick me because I left the house. Without questioning, she came over and brought me over to her house.

"Oh shit. I forgot you were married." I stopped at the door.

"No... it's okay. Come on, let's bring you to the guest room."

"What happened? It's not like you to run out." She said after settling me on the bed.

"I-I don't know what to do... I know I should be grateful and- and many people would kill to be in my position. But I just want her attention." I cried until my eyes hurt. "I wanted to talk to her yesterday but she said she was busy. I placed a note on her table today hoping she'll come to my championship but she obviously didn't appear. She didn't even know I came into the house just now." I gripped onto Lizzie's shirt and cried onto her shoulders. "I don't know what to do..."

"You don't deserve this. Let me call Scarlett." She reached towards her back pocket for her phone.

"No no no. She doesn't know I'm not at home." I stopped her from calling Scarlett.

"Okay, but I'll be talking to her tomorrow."

"What about school?" I asked.

"Do you want to go to school?" I nodded. "Then I'll go over to your house tomorrow to help you pick up your school stuff."

I smiled and thanked her for allowing me to stay over and express my frustration. Before she left I asked "Is it too much to ask you to stay?" I really wanted someone to hold me.

"Of course not sweetie."

Written on 10/9/2021
Posted on 20/9/2021

Part 2 coming.

I was part of my badminton school team in school but I was never the captain and I most definitely did not get to the championship but this is what it's for right? To make your fantasy come true.

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