Owl N.R

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Your POV
I am practically nocturnal due to my powers. My schedule never matches with anyone in the compound here. We met on the first day when Fury introduced me to the team. Since then we have only met... less than a handful. I usually get sent on night missions since that's when I am most awake while others are asleep.

On the handful of times we met, it was because it was a huge mission and everyone was gathered. During those times, it really messes up my sleeping schedule as I would have to be awake for more than 24 hours.

"Y/N, can you scout ahead for us?" Steve commanded. I nodded and morphed into an owl and flew above the base. Due to my feathers, my flight is silent and it wouldn't sound the alarm of Hydra's. Even if they did see me, they would think I am just a random animal in the jungle. Using my hearing, I located the area with the most guards and reported back to Steve.

"They are mostly guarding the east." I said when I got back to my human state.

"Alright. Stick to the plan, get what we need and get out of here. Avengers, let's go."

Everyone headed in as did I, after morphing into an owl. Following Tony, we flew to the top and started attacking the guards. Using my sharp claws and beak, I ripped pieces of flesh off their body, leaving them screaming in pain.

"Calm down kid." Tony remarked. I could only hoot back at him in this state, unable to form any words.

After around an hour, we finally cleared the base and Steve confirmed that we had secured the package.

Sitting on the cold metal chair precariously, I kept switching between owl and human state, unable to control my powers as I am exhausted. There are seat belts but nobody uses them. When I am in my owl state, it would be useless as I would be too small for it to be effective.

Suddenly, someone picked me up and placed me on their lap. "It's alright, I can hold you when you're asleep." I turned my head around and it was Nat. I hoot and let myself succumb into my owl state before falling asleep feeling Nat ruffling my feathers.


It was well into the night when I woke up. I looked around and I was back in my room in my human statement. It must have been rather easy carrying me up when I was an owl.

I looked at my feet as they were the one who usually sustained the most injuries. There were a few scratches but they'll heal on their own. No one would be awake in the compound during this hour so I headed down to the kitchen to grab a bite without turning on the lights. Due to my power, I am able to see better than humans in the dark.

I was making myself a sandwich when I heard footsteps coming closer. Holding the butterknife that I was using to spread the peanut butter, I inched closer towards the sound. As soon, as I got within striking distance, I grabbed their wrist and swung them around with the butter knife on the neck.

"Nat!" I immediately let go of her and took a couple of steps back. "What are you doing up so late?" I whispered.

"I could say the same about you. Weren't you tired?" Nat matched my voice.

"I am normally awake at night."

"Explains why we don't see you around in the day." Nat stepped into the kitchen and I followed her, continuing with my sandwich. There was an awkward silence as we had no idea what to talk about. I ate my sandwich while glancing at Nat. I'm usually alone so I had no idea how to make small talk.

"Umm.. why are you down here?" I winced at my feeble attempt at breaking the silence.

"I came down for a drink and found a good company."

"Ahh... I see." And back to silence it was. Time was passing excruciatingly slowly today as I was aware of the awkwardness surrounding us. I was having a conversation in my head, planning what to do that could ease the situation a bit.

"D-do you want to watch a movie with me?"

"Sure. You choose though."

We moved to the living room and I switched through the movies before settling on The Godfather. I lowered the volume so we wouldn't wake the rest, I made sure she could hear the movie before putting down the remote.

Halfway through the movie, Natasha fell asleep on my shoulders so I lowered the volume even further. I contemplated bringing Natasha back to her room, but I wasn't as strong as her and I didn't want to wake her up.

I watched the remainder of the movie and turned off the TV before turning my attention to my phone. Normally, this time I would be working out so I was getting restless as the phone no longer seemed interesting.

I glanced at the time on my phone and it was 3am. If I'm lucky, Nat would wake up in 2 hours for her morning training. I bore with it a while longer sitting still as my neck turned stiff.


I was yawning when Nat finally stirred and woke up. "I'm sorry." She moved her head away from my shoulder.

"It's alright." I said through my yawn again. "I'm going to get my training in before going to sleep." I rubbed and tilted my neck to stretch the muscles as I walked towards the training room.

"Do you normally train at this hour?" Nat came and watched as I trained, mainly trying to increase my strengths.

"Around 3 or 4 in the morning before I eat and go back to sleep, that's why I miss the day." I explained to her. 

"I'll join you."

"What?" I stopped my push ups halfway and looked at her. "It's too early for you."

"I'll sleep earlier, it's fine." Nat threw a bottle of water at my face and I caught it. When I looked up again, Nat was already gone.

Written on 21 Nov 2021
Posted on 24 May 2022

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