Fear N.R

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Your POV
I came back late and I knew I was going to get it from my boyfriend. I was at the Avengers Tower not paying attention to time when Drake, my boyfriend called me. He shouted at me through the phone, demanding me to go back. Everyone gave me a sad smile as I took my bags and left.

He was waiting for me at the dining table, drunk. That's not good. His swings are harder when he's drunk, with no recognition of what he's done. "In the room, NOW!" I nodded and scurried off into the room. As I turned around, his belt was already off his waist and coming down towards me. I felt the sting as it landed on my arm. He kept hitting me repeatedly, once he was satisfied, he shoved me into the closet.

"Stay there and reflect!"

My chest constricted and I started to hyperventilate. I clenched my fist as I curled up in the corner. The walls were closing in on me. Flashes of image started to flood my mind. Bringing me back to the day when my parents died. Someone had barged into our house, pointing a knife at everyone.

"Let's play hide and seek." My father tried to say as calm as possible. "Stay there and keep quiet okay?" My father placed me in the closet. Soon, I could see from the bind, the burglar came into the room I was hiding in. I had to cover my mouth to prevent any sound from escaping. My parents were trying everything they could to stop them but they ended up getting butchered right in front of my eyes. I let out a sound and they were slowly approaching my hiding place but thank goodness the siren rang and they quickly escaped the house.

I was whimpering and shivering in the closet before passing out.

Natasha POV
Y/N boyfriend was calling her again. Each time he calls, I could see Y/N tensing up while answering her call. I know he was abusing her too, I could see it from the way Y/N got up from the couch, needing support each time she stood. I could hear the words coming from Y/N phone and they were not nice.

It was not sitting right with me so I followed YN back to her house. I could hear whipping sounds coming from her house and I rushed to pick her lock. Her boyfriend saw me coming in without permission and was storming towards me. Bad choice. I flipped him and knocked him out before entering the room he just exited. I scanned the room but there was no sign of Y/N. One of the closets caught my eye, why is there a padlock there? I picked the lock quickly again and saw Y/N passed out inside. Her bruises scattered all over her body and I could even see her flesh wound in some.

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!" I tried shaking her but she did not respond. I picked her up and walked to my car but not before kicking her boyfriend one more time. How dare he treat her that way.

Everyone knew what happened in their head when I brought back Y/N unconscious. I set her down on my bed as I cleaned her wound. I didn't notice she was awake until her arm moved away as I was applying medication for it.

"Hey hey, it's just me, Natasha." I slowly raised my hands in front of her. Slowly, she managed to calm down and relax. "You're not going back there again."

"Did you...?"

"No." Guessing what she meant.


"Would you rather I did it?"


Silence envelopes us as I have no idea what to talk about.

"I'll tell Tony to arrange a room for you here." I got up and left.

Your POV
I sighed as Natasha left the room. My body freezes whenever I'm with her. I thought by getting with Drake I could get over her but she ended up flooding my mind even more. What must I do to get her out of my mind?

Written on 27/9/2021
Posted on 23//11/2021

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now