Christmas N.R

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Natasha POV
Y/N was coming back from her mission tonight and we were planning to surprise her for Christmas tomorrow. We acted as if the compound had a power outage so she couldn't see the decoration in the room when she returned at night. You could still see the sparkles and glitters if you looked closely enough. Luckily, the mission had drained her out and she could not be bothered to stay in the living room and went straight to our room without taking a second look.

It was the quickest I've seen her do her night routine and she got to bed without me. It's nice that it was convenient timing but I do feel a little hurt. By the time I got to bed with her, I could hear faint snoring coming from her. Regardless, I pulled her closer to me and fell asleep soon after.

I woke up early the next morning, making sure I woke up before Y/N even though I usually do. I had to make sure she didn't step out of the room and ruin the Christmas surprise. I texted everyone, making sure they were ready as I waited for Y/N to wake up.

Finally she stirred awake, everyone was chasing me to wake her up but I couldn't bear to do it. "Morning."

"Morning Nat." Sleepiness still in her voice.

"I would really love to let you sleep in but we have things to do today." I pulled Y/N up and pushed her to the bathroom with her clothes, speeding up the process. She was confused and tried to protest to get a word in but I didn't let her and closed the door to let her change. I heard her grumble before taking a shower.

I quickly updated the team and Y/N got out with a change of clothes. Without informing her, I took a blindfold and covered her eyes with it.

"Hey! Nat! What are you doing? You're behaving very weird today!"

"It's alright. You're going to know soon." I finished tying the blindfold and making sure she can't see before guiding her out the door. Everyone was already in place with a confetti popper in hand.

"Okay. Wait here." I set her in the middle of the room and grabbed one confetti popper as well. "You can take out the blindfold now!"

The moment Y/N took out the blindfold, everyone popped the confetti and shouted. "Merry Christmas!!!"

Her eyes widened. "It's Christmas? But I didn't prepare anything!"

Your POV
It slipped my mind that it was approaching Christmas, I was too busy preparing for the mission and I forgot about it.

"It's okay. It's a surprise for you. You don't have to worry about it. The man child over here is more than happy to have a party."

"Yeah yeah, I just pay for everything."

They even had the day planned out. Even though it was a public holiday, and everyone was supposed to rest, we had a friendly competition to see who fought the strongest. We all had our laugh when someone made a mistake and fell to the ground. Everyone had their chance and the last two remaining were Thor and Steve. Wanda had a really close chance against Steve but she wasn't allowed her powers. Eventually, Thor came out victorious and had a box of pop tarts all to himself.

After spending our energy fighting, we ordered takeout as no one wanted to cook. It was nice seeing everyone round the table since some of them are not around at times due to missions and such.

After lunch, it was time to decorate the gingerbread house. Us mortals had to have something that we had a fighting chance in. Sure enough, those bulky guys had no sense of aesthetics and gave up halfway. It was really close between me and Wanda but I had shaky hands when decorating the gingerbread house, making those squiggly lines whereas Wanda had extra 'hands' to help. She ended up choosing some sitcom DVDs as her prize.

They decided to move Christmas unwrapping forward since they were planning to have a barbeque for the night. Each box had our names on it and one by one we opened the boxes to unveil what's inside.

Steve got a book he always wanted to read.
Clint got new arrows.
Tony got a new cup. (for his coffee)
Thor got a scarf that looks like pop tarts.
Bruce got new upgraded medical equipment that he has been looking out for.
Natasha got a leather jacket.
Wanda got a new pair of shoes.
(I wanted to add Sam and Bucky but too much effort)

Everyone looked at me when it was my turn. I unwrapped the box and took it out. It was a polaroid. It was something I always wanted but never bear to spend the money on myself, the refill was a bit on the pricey type for my taste.

"How did you guys know I wanted one of those?" Everyone turned their attention to Natasha.

"I saw you looking at it when I was paying."

"Thanks Nat." I pulled her in for a kiss. "I'll get you something next time." I whispered.

Everyone packed and got ready to leave as we were heading to Tony's cabin to have a barbeque. Steve and Clint were setting up the charcoal fire while the rest prepared in the kitchen. Tony had the meat and vegetables prepared in the cabin and we only needed to bring them out. We huddled around the fire as we barbecued, talking about life as we ate.

Tony had us come to his cabin so we could stargaze since it's not something that could be done in the middle of the city. We all got our blankets to warm up as we looked up into the sky. None of us knew much about constellations, maybe apart from Tony but it was calming. I cuddled up to Nat since I was weak to the cold and dug my face in the nook of her neck. Nat realising what I've done, kissed my forehead and rubbed her hand on my arm to warm me up.

"Thanks Nat, this is a really nice Christmas."

"I love you." She pulled me closer to her so I was laying on top of her.

I turned around so we were front to front. "I love you too." Relaxing into her embrace.

Written on 10/10/2021
Posted on 25/12/2021

I had to search up what to do for Christmas since I don't celebrate it.
Merry Christmas!!

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